WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Directory of Federal Laboratory and Technology Resources C 51.19/2-2: 0188-A-14 UM Discontinued. Cancel class and item no. 95592
Management Plans, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management C 55.32/6: 0250-E-22 UM Discontinued. Cancel class and item no. 95829
National Climate Program, Annual Report C 55.44: 0250-E-28 UM Discontinued. Cancel class and item no. 95904
Earth System Monitor C 55.52: 0250-E-03 UM Change format to (EL). PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS10370. 95920
Export.gov C 61.18/4: 0231-B-31 UM In order to access this free website, a login and password is required. Depository libraries selecting this portal should contact the Depository Administration Branch to receive the login and password; please contact the GPO help service at http://www.gpoaccess.gov/help/index.html. 95983
Big Emerging Markets: Outlook and Sourcebook C 61.45: 0231-B-26 UM Discontinued. Cancel class and item no. 96110
Reach (by area) D 101.148: 0307-A-32 UM Add format (P). 96385
Navy Medicine D 206.7: 0385-D UM Change format to (EL). No longer distributed to depository libraries in a tangible format. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS17064 96675
Navy Civil Engineer (three nos. a year) D 209.13: 0419-B UM Add format (P). 96719
Newsletter (United States. Navy. Supply Corps) D 212.14: 0417-A UM Change format to (EL). No longer distributed to depository libraries in a tangible format. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS15544 96742