WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Electronic Products (Miscellaneous) I 53.58: 0600-D-04 UN New (E) Libraries selecting 0600-D-02 will now receive this title. 106898
BJA Program Plan J 26.1/5: 0968-H-30 UN New (P) Libraries selecting 0968-H-01 will now receive this title. 107042
OJJDP Fact Sheet (series) J 32.21: 0718-G UN New (P) (EL) Libraries selecting 0718-A-05 will now receive this title. URL: http://www.ncjrs.org/jjfact.htm 107133
Electronic Product (Miscellaneous) LC 30.33: 0804-D UN New (E) Libraries selecting 0785-R will now receive this title. 107334
Electronic Products (Miscellaneous) LC 9.17: 0804-C UN New (E) Libraries selecting 0785-R will now receive this title. 107343
Tipsheet (NSF News Media Tips) NS 1.59: 0834-2-01 UN New (EL) URL: http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/tips/tipsrel.htm 107436
Electronic Products (Miscellaneous) NS 1.60: 0834-Z-01 UN New (E) Libraries selecting 0785-R will now receive this title. 107439
Highway Information Update TD 2.23/5: 0982-L UN New (EL) URL: http://cti1.volpe.dot.gov/ohim/reports.html 107890
Americorps Forms Y 3.N 21/29:16-17 1089-U-19 UN New (P) Libraries selecting 1089-U-05 will now receive this title. 108283
U.S. Export Administration Regulations, Aug. 1996 C 61.23:996 0211 WH Revised basic manual; complete to Aug. 1996. Shipped 10/15/96 (SL 96-0080-S). Updated by Bulletin 284 (C 61.23:997/ BTN.284), dated Feb. 1997. Shipped 3/10/97 (SL 97-0158-P) 108760