WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Working While Disabled--How We Can Help, August 2012 (P) SSA 1.2/15:W 89/2/2012 0517-D 2013-0027-S CC Change class to: SSA 1.2/15:W 89/2/2012-2 113821
Congressional Budget Justification (African Development Foundation) (Annual) (EL) Y 3.AF 8:1-2 1061-M-01 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 1061-M will have 1061-M-01 wdded to their selection profile. 113820
Application Kit for Indian Health Service Epidemiology Program for American Indians/Alaska Natives and Urban Indian Communities HE 20.302:IN 2/KIT/2000-2 0486-I-02 CC Change class to: HE 20.302:IN 2/2/KIT 114488
Social Security in a Changing World HE 3.2:So 1/34 0516 CC Change Class to: HE 3.2:SO 13/34 114489
Beyond the numbers (United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics) (Completely Irregular) (EL) L 2.144: 0768-E-02 UN New class and item no. (EL). Libraries selecting 0768-E-01 will have 0768-E-02 added to their item selection profile. PURL: http://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo51885. 114031
Occupational Outlook Quarterly Online L 2.70/4: 0770-A UM Change title to: Career Outlook (United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics) (quarterly) (EL). PURL: http://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo51956. 113819
Report to the House Committee on Ways and Means on Present Law and Suggestions for Reform Submitted to the Tax Reform Working Groups (P) Y 4.T 19/4:R 25/11 1002-A 2013-0231-P WH This item was also sent out on Shipping List 2013-0229-P. Second copy should be treated as a duplicate. 113818
Pusch Ridge Wilderness, Coronado National Forest, Arizona, 2014 A 13.28:RG-R 3-050-15 0080-G 2014-0337-P CC Change to A 13.36/2-6:RG-R 3-05-15 Item no. 0086-C-05 115160
Senior Adult Learning Experience, S.A.L.E.: Final Report HE 23.3002:SE 5/4 0447-A-01 (MF) 1992-1385-M CC Duplicate microfiche distributed under class: HE 1.1002:SE 5/3 on shipping list no.: 1994-0663-M. Depositories may treat as secondary copy, or discard. 113817
Federal Recycling Program EP 1.17:530-F-92-014 0431-I-07 1992-0606-P CC Change class to: EP 1.2:R 23/2. Correct item no.: 0431-I-01 113816