WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
DOE/GC (series) E 1.71: 0474-B-01 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 97117
Solar Thermal Report E 1.83: 0429-P-02 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 97121
Model Documentation Reports E 3.26/6: 0435-E-09 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 97286
Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States E 3.59: 0429-K-07 UM Add format (EL). URL: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/gg97rpt/front.html. 97347
NIDRR Program Directory ED 1.215: 0529-D-02 UM Add format (EL). URL: http://www.naric.com/naric/search/pd/index.html. 97449
National Defense and Direct Student Loan Program, Directory of Designated Low-Income Schools for Teacher Cancellation Benefits ED 1.40/2: 0455-B-05 UM Change title to: National Direct Student Loan and Federal Perkins Loan Programs Directory of Designated Low-Income Schools for Teacher Cancellation Benefits 97548
COL Series ED 1.40/3: 0455-B-04 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class. 97552
East Central Communique ED 1.71/2: 0461-B-07 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 97578
WS Reports (series) ED 1.74: 0455-A-04 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 97579
Disability Statistics Report ED 1.84: 0455-B-17 UM Cancel class and item no. Now see: ED 1.215/2:, item no. 0529-D-03. Libraries selecting 0455-B-17 will now receive 0529-D-03. Deselect 0529-D-03 if you do not wish to receive further issues. 97597