WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Venezuela TPS Act of 2019 Y 1.1/8:116-168 1008-D 2020-0112-M WH The title on the fiche header for "Venezuela TPS Act of 2019" (Y 1.1/8:116-168; SL 2020-0112-M) is incorrect

Fiche header has 2018 instead of 2019
Fact Book (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) HE 20.3216: 0507-E-09 UM Change format to (EL). PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS37886. Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 98447
Industry Wage Survey. Help Supply Services, October 1989 (P) L 2.3:2430 0768-A-01 93-0619-P UM Change class and item no. to: L 2.3/38:989 and 0768-C-01. 118108
Directory of ERIC Resource Collections (Institute of Education Sciences) (annual) (EL) ED 1.330/2: 0461-G-01 UM Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 118106
Los Angeles Air Force Station, Telephone Directory (annual) (P) D 301.104/3: 0424-B-19 UM Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 118107
Directory of ERIC Resource Collections (National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance) (annual) (EL) ED 1.610: 0455-R-03 UM Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 118105
Organizational Telephone Directory (irregular) (EL) GA 1.27/2: 0545-G-09 UM Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 118104
Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (Commerce Department) (P) C 1.54: 0126-A UM Cancel class and item no. GPO has discontinued the use of the category class "Bibliographies and Lists of Publications." 118103
Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (Administration on Aging) (P) HE 1.1011: 0447-A-06 UM Cancel class and item no. GPO has discontinued the use of the category class "Bibliographies and Lists of Publications." 118102
Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (Federal Trade Commission) (P) FT 1.22/3: 0535-A-01 UM Cancel class and item no. GPO has discontinued the use of the category class "Bibliographies and Lists of Publications." 118101