WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
General Publications (Donald J. Trump) (EL) PR 47.2: 0850-C-01 UN New class and item number libraries selecting 0850-C will have 0850-C-01 added to their item selection profile. 1411531
Snowmobile Guide: Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (P) A 13.36/2-6:R 5-RG-235 0086-C-05 CC Change class to: A 13.36/2-6:T 13/3/ 1411530
Report on Assessment of Low-head Hydroelectric Sites in the Western States (MF) I 53.2:H 99/2/ 0631 (MF) 551-M (Oct. 14, 1982) CC Item and class number incorrect on shipping list; change item number to : 0660 (MF) and class number to I 27.2:H 99/7/ 1411521
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Highways (annual) (P) AE 2.106/3:23/2024/CORR. 0572-D-23 2025-0017-P WH Corrected copy due to printing quality. Libraries should discard version shipped on 2025-0005-P. 1411529
General Publications (Irregular Warfare Center) (EL) D 308.2: 0425-E UN New class and item number libraries selecting 0306 will have 0425-E added to their item selection profile. 1411528
Irregular Warfare Center D 308 UN New agency. 1411527
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 26, Internal Revenue, Part 1, Volume 14 of 15, Revised as of April 1, 2023 AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1.401-1.1550)/2023 0572-D-26 2024-0071-P CC Incorrect sudoc on shipping list

AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1.401-1.1550)/2023 should be AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1.1401-1.1550)/2023
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 26, Internal Revenue, Part 1, Volume 15 of 15, Revised as of April 1, 2023 AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1.551-END)/2023 0572-D-26 2024-0071-P CC Incorrect sudoc on shipping list

AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1.551-END)/2023 should be AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1.1551-END)/2023
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 26, Internal Revenue, Part 1, Volume 13 of 15, cover only, Revised as of April 1, 2023 AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1001-1.1400)/2023/ NOTICE 0572-D-26 2024-0067-P CC Incorrect Sudoc class on Shipping list.

AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1001-1.1400)/2023/ NOTICE should be AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1.1001-1.1400)/2023/ NOTICE
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 26, Internal Revenue, Part 1, Vol. 13 of 15, Covers only, Contains 1001-1.1400, Revised as of April 1, 2024 AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1 (S.1001-1.1400)/2024/NOTICE 0572-D-26 2024-0124-P CC Incorrect sudoc on shipping list

AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1 (S.1001-1.1400)/2024/NOTICE should be AE 2.106/3:26/PT.1(S.1.1001-1.1400)/2024/NOTICE