WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
National Report Series Bulletin (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention) J 32.10/4: 0718-A-43 UN New class and item no. (P). Libraries selecting 0718-A-05 will have 0718-A-43 added to their selection profile. 107115
National Longitudinal Surveys Handbook (annual) L 2.135/2: 0769-A-03 UN New class and item no. (P). Libraries selecting 0769-A will have 0769-A-03 added to their selection profile. 107223
Federal Geographic Data Committee PREX 27. UN New agency. 107547
General Publications (Federal Geographic Data Committee) PREX 27.2: 0857-S UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0621 will have 0857-S added to their selection profile. 107549
Social Security: When Someone Misuses Your Number (annual) SSA 1.19/3: 0517-E-01 UN New class and item no. (P) (EL). Previously classed: SSA 1.19:M 69, item no. 0517-E. Libraries selecting 0517-E will have 0517-E-01 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS1587. Add to Superseded List: Keep latest issue. 107686
Retirement Benefits (annual) SSA 1.34: 0517-B-11 UN New class and item no. (EL). Previously classed SSA 1.2:R 31/3, item no. 0517-B. Libraries selecting 0517-B will have 0517-B-11 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS2330. Add to Superseded List: Keep latest issue. 107706
If You Are Blind or Have Low-Vision (annual) SSA 1.35: 0517-B-12 UN New class and item no. (EL). Previously classed SSA 1.2:B 61/3, item no. 0517-B. Libraries selecting 0517-B will have 0517-B-12 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS2418. Add to Superseded List: Keep latest issue. 107707
How We Decide If You Are Still Disabled (annual) SSA 1.36: 0517-B-13 UN New class and item no. (EL). Previously classed SSA 1.2:D 35, item no. 0517-B. Libraries selecting 0517-B will have 0517-B-13 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS6023. Add to Superseded List: Keep latest issue. 107709
How Work Affects Your Benefits (annual) SSA 1.37: 0517-B-14 UN New class and item no. (EL). Previously classed SSA 1.2:W 89/6, item no. 0517-B. Libraries selecting 0517-B will have 0517-B-14 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS2329. Add to Superseded List: Keep latest issue. 107710
Your Right to Question the Decision Made on Your Claim (annual) SSA 1.38: 0517-B-15 UN New class and item no. (EL). Previously classed SSA 1.2:R 44, item no. 0517-B. Libraries selecting 0517-B will have 0517-B-15 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purlaccess.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS33436. Add to Superseded List: Keep latest issue. 107711