WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Your Right to Question the Decision on Your SSI Claim (annual) SSA 1.39: 0517-B-16 UN New class and item no. (EL). Previously classed SSA 1.2: R 44/2, item no. 0517-B. Libraries selecting 0517-B will have 0517-B-16 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS26050. Add to Superseded List: Keep latest issue. 107713
U.S. Government Subscriptions, Edition 267, Spring 2003. GP 3.9:267 0554 WH Depository copies never received. Superseded by GP 3.9:268 dist. on shipping list 2003-0212-P. GP 3.9:267 will not be distributed. 108908
NCI Monographs HE 20.3162/3: 0507-L WH No longer a depository item. Publication privatized along with Journal of National Cancer Institute. 108926
New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey (quarterly) (P) I 19.14/4: 0622-A WH No longer produced in paper effective with the July-September 2003 issue, per agency. 108975
Serial Set 14211 Y 1.1/2:14211 0996-C WH Congressional Authority for Printing has Expired. At this Time a Decision has not been made Regarding Publication. 109295
Monthly Bulletin of Lake Levels for the Great Lakes, June 2003 D 103.116:2003/6 0344-B-01 2003-0221-P CC Typo on shipping list. Correct item no. 0334-B-01. 88445
Compound Warfare: That Fatal Knot D 110.2:W 23 0359-C 2003-0312-M CC Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. 88487
Operation Manual EP 1.8:R 31/3/2003 0431-K 2003-0267-M CC Change title to: Orientation Manual. Typing mistake on shipping list. 89229
The Clinical Center, Annual Report of Research Activities, October 1, 1994 to September 30, 1995 HE 20.3001/2:C 61/994-95 0506-G 1998-0492-M CC Change class to: HE 20.3052:994-95. Correct item no. 0506-G-04. 89627
Air Quality in the National Parks, Second Edition I 29.2:AL 7/3 0648 2003-0272-M CC Duplicate of I 29.2:AI 7/3, distributed on shipping list 2002-0007-P. Treat as secondary copy. 90419