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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
CPI Detailed Report, February 2003 L 2.38/3:2003/3 0768-F 2003-0193-P CC Change class to: L 2.38/3:2003/2. Typo on shipping list. 91107
Economic Report of the President, 2002 PR 43.9:2002 0848-F 2003-0247-M CC Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. 91652
105-1 United States of America, Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 105th Congress, Volume 143, Part 2 X 1.1:105/1-143/PT.2 0993-A 2003-0296-M CC Duplicate distributed in error. Previously distributed on shipping list 2003-0286-M. Treat as secondary copy. 92384
104-1 United States Congressional Serial Set, Senate Documents, Nos. 7-9, Serial No. 14281, January 4, 1995-January 3, 1996 Y 1.1/2:SERIAL 14281 1008-F 2003-0297-M CC Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. 92412
House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents, and Procedures of the House, 2003 Y 1.2:P 88/2/2003 0998 2003-0262-M CC Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. 92515
108th Congress: The Senate of The United States, Committee and Subcommittee Assignments, S. Pub. 108-5, March 31, 2003 Y 1.3:S.PUB.108-5 0998-A-01 2003-0297-M CC Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. 92556
Proven Ideas From Research for Parents: A Child Becomes a Reader, Kindergarten through Grade 3, Second Edition, Spring 2003 Y 3.L 71:2 C 43/KINDER./2003 1089-V 2003-0224-P CC Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. 92671
83-1 Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, Vol. 2 Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.107-84/V.2 1037-C 2003-0260-M CC Change class to: Y 4.G 74/9:S.PRT. 107-84/V.2. 93269
Milkfat Prices A 92.10/2-2: 0024-F-01 UM Cancel class. Discontinued. Archived copies located at: PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS33435. 94042
State Personal Income (SPI) C 59.25: 0130-U-02 UM Cancel format (CD-ROM). CD-ROM no longer produced, per agency. Information now available through the SPI web application. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS3781. 95971