- Classification/Cataloging Update (CC): Represents Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classification number changes
- What Happened to? (WH): Represents miscellaneous information (e.g., delays in distribution, production/publishing issues) that may be useful to depository coordinators as they maintain their depository collections. This category is used infrequently.
- Updates to the List of Classes, New Items (UN): Represents new depository item numbers that have been recently created and added to the List of Classes.
- Updates to the List of Classes, Misc. (UM): Represents miscellaneous updates to the List of Classes (e.g., title changes, discontinued or inactivated depository item numbers or SuDoc classification numbers).
For more information on WEBTech Notes, go to the article under Instructions.
Title | SuDoc No. | Item No. | Shipping List No. | Category | Notes | Record No. | Created | Last Modified | |
Decisions of U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board | MS 1.10: | 0290-K-03 | WH | No longer published by USMSPB. Now published privately by West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN, under the new title USMSPB Reporter. Vol. 13 was the last issued by the USMSPB. | 109123 | ||||
Come to Chicago and Learn to Sell the World! Export Expo. Oct. 24-30, 1991 | SBA 1.2:EX 7/3 | 0901-B | WH | The Small Business Administration cannot provide additional copies of this publication. Under 44 U.S.C., e1903, LPS cannot reprint. No rain checks can be filled. | 109210 | ||||
1989 Savings and Home Financing Source Book | T 71.17:989 | 0597-A-01 | WH | The Treasury Department cannot supply additional copies. Under U.S.C. 44, e1903, LPS cannot reprint. No rain checks can be filled. | 109255 | ||||
Inventions Available for Licensing. | A 77.35: | 0026-A-02 | UM | Title changed to: Agricultural Inventions Catalog (semiannual) (MF) | 93975 | ||||
Cotton Ginnings (semimonthly) | A 92.47: | 0141 | UM | (MF) Replaces C 3.20: and C 3.20/3:. | 94119 | ||||
Soviet Military Power | D 1.74: | 0306-A-05 | UM | Title changed to: Military Forces in Transition. | 96281 | ||||
Energy and Environmental News | D 209.18: | 0418-E | UM | Format changed to (MF). | 96723 | ||||
Crescent City Marine | D 214.26: | 0384-A-05 | UM | Frequency changed to bimonthly. | 96755 | ||||
Fuel Line | D 7.24: | 0314-P | UM | Frequency changed to semiannual. | 96966 | ||||
The DLSC Line | D 7.33/3: | 0314-A-14 | UM | Class discontinued. Item number still active. | 96976 |