WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
General Publications D 116.2: 0346-A-01 UN New. Libraries selecting 0346-A will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 105178
Form Flow D 7.41/2: 0314-V-01 UN New (quarterly) (CD) (Previous title: Perform PRO, Automated Forms) Libraries selecting 0314-V will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 105327
ICF Annual Report E 1.99/7-2: 0429-H-11 UN New (annual) (MF) Libraries selecting 0429-H-08 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 105432
Directory of ERIC Resource Collections ED 1.330/2: 0461-G-01 UN New (annual) (P) Libraries selecting 0466-A-03 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 105592
ENC, Eisenhower National Clearinghouse ED 1.340/3: 0461-D-16 UN New (CD) Libraries selecting 0455-N will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 105600
Facts for Business FT 1.32/2: 0535-A-04 UN New (series) (P) Libraries selecting 0535 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 105865
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Main Findings HE 20.417/2: 0497-D-26 UN New (annual) (P) Libraries selecting 0497-D-01 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 106136
Reviews of New Reports HE 20.6216/6: 0508-G-09 UN New (semiannual) (P) Libraries selecting 0508-G will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 106210
Monthly Vital Statistics Report HE 20.6217/2: 0500-E-10 UN New (monthly) (Floppy) Libraries selecting 0500-E-02 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 106211
National Summary of State Medicaid Managed Care Programs HE 22.12/3: 0512-C-03 UN New (annual) (P) Libraries selecting 0512-C will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 106427