WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Progress Report on Alzheimer's Disease HE 20.3869: 0447-A-25 UN New (annual) (P) Libraries selecting 0447-A-16 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 106088
National Listing of Renal Providers Furnishing Kidney Dialysis and Transplant Services HE 22.510/2: 0499-R-02 UN New (quarterly) (MF) Libraries selecting 0512-A-27 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 106443
Consolidated Annual Report for the Office of Community Planning and Development HH 1.1/10: 0581-L-01 UN New (annual) (E) Item no. derived from 0582. 106463
Housing/FHA News HH 2.29: 0589-A-01 UN New (biweekly) (P) Libraries selecting 0589 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 106496
Mineral Industry Surveys I 19.160: 0621-J UN New (monthly) (E) Collapsed I 19.130: thru I 19.157: and merged to I 19.160: Mineral Industry Surveys Monthly's will no longer be distributed in MF format. They are available on internet at: http://minerals.er.usgs.gov/minerals/pu bs/commodity/mis.html 106737
Mineral Industry Surveys I 19.161: 0621-J UN New (annual) (E) I 28. 28/3: and corresponding classes for Mineral Industry Surveys Annual's have been merged into I 19.161: These titles will no longer be distributed in MF format. They are available on internet at: http://minerals.er.usgs.gov:80/minerals /pubs/commodity/myb#P 106738
Galveston Bay Fact Sheet Series I 49.110: 0614-D-06 UN New (P) Libraries selecting 0621-D will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 106857
Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States J 1.5: 0717-C-23 UN Reactivate class. (P). New item no. Libraries selecting 0717-C-04 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 107018
NLS News, National Longitudinal Surveys L 2.135: 0769-A-01 UN New (P) Libraries selecting 0769 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 107225
Electronic Products PE 1.13: 0900-D-01 UN New (E) Libraries selecting 0900-D will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 107456