- Classification/Cataloging Update (CC): Represents Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classification number changes
- What Happened to? (WH): Represents miscellaneous information (e.g., delays in distribution, production/publishing issues) that may be useful to depository coordinators as they maintain their depository collections. This category is used infrequently.
- Updates to the List of Classes, New Items (UN): Represents new depository item numbers that have been recently created and added to the List of Classes.
- Updates to the List of Classes, Misc. (UM): Represents miscellaneous updates to the List of Classes (e.g., title changes, discontinued or inactivated depository item numbers or SuDoc classification numbers).
For more information on WEBTech Notes, go to the article under Instructions.
Title | SuDoc No. | Item No. | Shipping List No. | Category | Notes | Record No. | Created | Last Modified | |
A Threat to America's Children: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Government Operations...Serial No. 116-88 (MF) | Y 4.OV 2:116-88 | 1016-B (MF) | n/a | WH | This is part I of a 3-part hearing. Only part III (116-90) was microfiched and distributed. | 1207085 | |||
A Threat to America's Children: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Government Operations,...Serial No. 116-87 (MF) | Y 4.OV 2:116-87 | 1016-B (MF) | n/a | WH | This is part II of a 3-part hearing. Only part III (116-90) was microfiched and distributed. | 1207084 | |||
Climate Change: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Environment of the Committee on Oversight and Reform,...Serial No. 116-120 (MF) | Y 4.OV 2:116-120 | 1016-B (MF) | n/a | WH | This is part IV of a 4-part hearing. Only parts I-III (116-15, 116-17, 116-38) were microfiched and distributed. | 1207083 | |||
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention Improvements Act of 2020...Report 116-566 (MF) | Y 1.1/8:116-566 | 1008-D (MF) | n/a | WH | Item will not be distributed in microfiche format. Bibliographic record was created in error and will be removed from the CGP. | 1207069 | |||
Expedited Delivery of Airport Infrastructure Act of 2020 : Report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on S. 3958, Report 116-331 (MF) | Y 1.1/5:116-331 | 1008-D (MF) | n/a | WH | Item will not be distributed in microfiche format. Bibliographic record was created in error and will be removed from the CGP. | 1207067 | |||
National Response Framework Improvement Act of 2020...Report 116-318 (MF) | Y 1.1/5:116-318 | 1008-D (MF) | n/a | WH | Item will not be distributed in microfiche format. Bibliographic record was created in error and will be removed from the CGP. | 1207066 | |||
Achieving Racial and Ethnic Equity in Disaster Response, Recovery, and Resilience Act of 2020...Report 116-316 (MF) | Y 1.1/5:116-316 | 1008-D (MF) | n/a | WH | Item will not be distributed in microfiche format. Bibliographic record was created in error and will be removed from the CGP. | 1207065 | |||
Promoting Rigorous and Innovative Cost Efficiencies for Federal Procurement and Acquisitions Act of 2019...Report 116-315 (MF) | Y 1.1/5:116-315 | 1008-D (MF) | n/a | WH | Item will not be distributed in microfiche format. Bibliographic record was created in error and will be removed from the CGP. | 1207064 | |||
PPE Supply Chain Transparency Act of 2020 : Report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany S. 4158,...Report 116-319 (MF) | Y 1.1/5:116-319 | 1008-D (MF) | n/a | WH | Item will not be distributed in microfiche format. Bibliographic record was created in error and will be removed from the CGP. | 1207063 | |||
Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida / Mississippi (P) | I 29.79/2:G 95/2022 | 0651-B | 2023-0020-P | CC | Change class to: I 29.6/2:G 95/2022 | 1207062 |