WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
The Engineer (Quarterly) (P) D 103.115: 0334-A-38 UN New item no. Libraries selecting 0334-A-02 will have 0334-A-38 added to their item selection profile. 116187
The Engineer (quarterly) D 103.115: 0334-A-02 UM Change format to (P) (EL). (6/30/06). New item no. for P format: 0334-A-38. Item no. for EL format: 0334-A-35. (8/20/18). 96476
Management Status Report (National Toxicology Program) (Continuously updated) (EL) HE 20.3565: 0507-P-13 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0507-P-01 will have 0507-P-13 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo107336. 116186
Inyo National Forest, minor revisions 2016 (P) A 13.36/2-6:IN 8/2016 0086-C-05 2017-0239-P CC Item and class no. incorrect on shipping list; change class to: A 13.28:IN 8/3/2016 and item no. to: 0080-G. 116185
... Prevention Resource Guide (Annual) (EL) HE 23.1210/5: 0445-L-14 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0445-L-01 will have 0445-L-14 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo93351 116255
Marine Corps history (Semiannual) (EL) D 214.20: 0383-B-01 CC Change class to: D 214.511/2: and item no. to: 0386-A-03 116183
Report to Congress on the discharge of hazardous wastes to publicly owned treatment works (P) EP 8.2:H 33 473-E 86-273-P CC Change class to: EP 2.2:H 33 and item no. to: 0473-A-01 116182
To Amend the Federal Power Act with... (MF) Y 1.1/8:114-213 1008-D 2017-0169-M CC Typo on fiche header. Y 1.1/8:114-213 should be Y 1.1/8:115-213 116181
United States Central Command, United States Africa Command and United States Special Operations Command... (MF) Y 4.AR 5/3:S.HRG.114-650 1034-B 2017-0130-M CC Typo on fiche header. Change class to: Y 4.AR 5/3:S.HRG.115-650 116179
Federal Register, Vol. 83, No. 189, October 2, 2017 (P) AE 2.106:83/189 0573-C 2018-0018-P CC Change class to: AE 2.106:82/189 116177