WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Report to Congress (Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund) (Annual) (EL) C 55.344/4: 0616-K-12 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0609-C-01 and 0616-K will have 0616-K-12 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo114083 116389
Casa Grande Ruins: Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Arizona (P) I 29.2:C 26/6/2018 0650 2019-0047-P CC Class no. incorrect on shipping list; change class no. to: I 29.21:C 26/6/2018 116388
Energy And Water Development Appropriations for 2018... Y 4.AP 6/1:END 2/2/2018/PT.1B 1011-A 2018-0085-M WH Incorrect Sudoc class.Y 4.AP 6/1:END 2/2/2018/PT.1B should be Y 4.AP 6/1:EN 2/2/2018/PT.1B 116487
The Army Cyber Institute History Report  (Annual) (EL) D 109.18: 0354-A-02 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0354 will have 0354-A-02 added to their item selection profile. PURL:https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo91365 116387
Nominations of Claire M. Grady and Henry Kerner : hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs... (P) Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.115-332 1037-B 2019-0010-P WH The publication was placed on hold for distribution because of typographical error in the subtitle. The publication was not part of Shipping List 2019-0010-P as originally indicated. GPO is awaiting Committee decision about whether this publication will be reissued. 116386
VFR Raster Charts. Sectional (updated irregularly) (EL) TD 4.79/11-2: 0982-L-64 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0982-L-13 will have 0982-L-64 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo113423 116384
Engaging the world (Series) D 301.82/7-2: 0422-M-03 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0422-M-01 will have 0422-M-03 added to their item selection profile. 116383
 VFR Raster Charts. Terminal area (updated irregularly) (EL) TD 4.79/12-2: 0982-L-65 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0982-L-13 will have 0982-L-65 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo113429 116385
Maxwell Papers (Series)  D 301.26/33: 0422-A-11 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0422-K will have 0422-A-11 added to their item selection profile. 116382
U.S. Navy Operations in World War II (Series) (P) D 221.20: 0415-D-08 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0415 will have 0415-D-08 added to their item selection profile. 116159