WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, Part 1 and 2, January 6, 2015,114-1 (Series) (P) XJH:113-1/PT.1 and XJH:113-1/PT.2 1030-A 2018-0037-S CC Class no. incorrect on shipping list 2018-0037-S; change class no. to: XJH:114-1/PT.1 and XJH:114-1/PT.2 116049
Energy and Water DevelopmentAppropriations for 2019, Part 1B, 2018, 115-2(Series) (P) Y 4.AP 6/1:EN 2/2/2018/1 B 1011 2018-0161-P CC Class no. incorrect on shipping list 2018-0161-P; change class no. to: Y 4.AP 6/1:EN 2/2/2019/1 B 116050
Exceptional Careers [for Exceptional People] (P) T 17.26: 0950-P CC Change class to: T 17.26:502 116121
Exceptional Careers, revised February 1989 (P) T 17.26:502 950-P 89-354-P CC Change class to: T 17.26:502/989 116104
Special Earthquakes, Earthquake Sequences, and Fault Zones (continuously updated) (EL) I 19.66/8: 0192-C-08 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0192-C will have 0192-C-08 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo92173. 116048
Exceptional careers (Customs Publication Number 502) (P) T 17.2:C 18/ 0950 CC Change class to: T 17.26: and item no. to: 0950-P. (2017-11-03). Change class to T 17.26:502. (2018-05-18). 115793
Building a 21st-Century Infrastructure, HRG 115-19 (MF) Y 4.T 68/2:115-19 1034-B-01 2018-0052-M CC Correct shipping list item number to: 1024-B-01. 116122
CFR Title 32...National Defense...Parts 800-END AE 2.106/3:32/PT.800-END/2017 0572-C 2018-0070-M WH Typo on microfiche header. Fiche header has AE 2.106/2:32/PT.800-END/2017 but should beAE 2.106/3:32/PT.800-END/2017 116369
Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Elections... Y 4.IN 8/19:S.HRG.115-92 1009-C-07 2018-0045-M WH Pagination error. Header on second fiche reads p. 94-190. Should read p. 94-140 116219
Farmer Cooperative Statistics (Annual) (EL) A 109.11/2: 0064-C-03 UM Changed title to: Agricultural Cooperative Statistics with the 2015 issue. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo91999. 116047