WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (MF) HE 20.3711: 0507-C-07 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114930
National Institutes of Health International Awards for Biomedical Research and Research Training (Annual) (MF) HE 20.3709/2: 0507-C-05 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114928
National Library of Medicine Staff Directory (Annual) (MF) HE 20.3619/3: 0508-F-07 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114927
A Catalog of Publications, Audiovisuals, & Software (Completely Irregular) (MF) HE 20.3619/2: 0508-F-01 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114926
National Cancer Institute Familial Melanoma Study News (Annual) (MF) HE 20.3196/2: 0507-G-70 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114664
National Institute of General Medical Sciences NIGMS Training Grants (Annual) (MF) HE 20.3468: 0497-C-10 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114924
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (MF) HE 20.3215: 0507-E-08 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114913
National Heart. Lung, and Blood Institute Annual Report of Intramural Activities (Annual) (MF) HE 20.3267: 0505-A-22 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114915
National Heart. Lung, and Blood Institute Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (MF) HE 20.3215: 0507-E-08 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114914
Steamboat Creek minerals withdrawal: Umpqua Ranger District, Umpqua National Forest. A 13.36/2:UM 6/2015 0086-C 2015-0315-P CC Change class on S/L to: A 13.36/2-6:UM 6/2015. 114660