WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Overview of the Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team Biological Control Program for Invasive Species, 1995-2007 A 13.2:AC 2/4/2006 0084 2007-0117-P CC Change class to: A 13.2:H 34/7 113990
Daniel Boone National Forest, RedbudRanger District, Kentucky, 2014 (P) A 13.36/2-6:D 22/2014 0086-C 2015-0141-P/CORRECTION WH Correct title is: Daniel Boone National Forest, RedbirdRanger District, Kentucky, 2014 113988
The Annual Report and Oversight of the Office of Financial Research : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Economic Policy of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate (MF) Y 4.B 22/3:113-393 1035-D 2015-0107-M CC Class on shipping list and microfiche is incorrect. Correct class is: Y 4.B 22/3:S.HRG.113-393. 113987
Schedule of Serial Set Volumes, 112th Congress, 2nd Session, titles and table of content pages Y 1.1/10:112-2 1008-D-02 2015-0141-P/CORRECTION WH Three pages, 15468, 15469, and 15470 were left off the original printing. An addendum and the three pages will be printed and distributed to the necessary libraries. 113986
Schedule of Serial Set Set Volumes, 112th Congress, 2nd Session, titles and table of content pages Y 1.1/10:112-2 1008-D-02 WH Three pages, 15468, 15469, and 15470 were left off the original printing. An addendum and the three pages will be printed and distributed to the necessary libraries. 114407
Federal Aid in Fish and Wildlife Restoration (P) I 49.2:F 52/7 CC Change class to: I 49.29/3:1970. 113979
Hearing 2 : Hearing Before the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi, Libya, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, Second Session (P) Y 4.2:B 43 1009-B 2015-0150-P CC Change class to: Y 4.2:B 43/2 . 113985
U.S. Government Flight InformationPublication, IRF Enroute High Altitude -Alaska, H-1, H-2, March 5, 2015 to April 30,2015 (P) TD 4.79/17-2:2015-1-8/H-1/H-2 0982-L-22 2015-0159-P CC Shipping list error. Correct class is: TD 4.79/17-2:2015-3-5/H-1/H-2. 113984
U.S. Terminal Procedures Pub. Change Notice(CN), Feb. 05 to March 05, 2015 (P) TD 4.80:CN/2015-12-11 0982-0 2015-0141-P CC Change class to: TD 4.80:CN/2015-2-5. 113983
Government Reports Elimination Act of 2014, Public Law 113-187, November 26, 2014 (P) AE 2.110:113-187 0575 2015-0123-P CC Shipping list correction. Correct class is : AE 2.110:113-188 113982