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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Analysis of Control Samples Using the Beryllium Antibody Assay, 1990 E 1.2:B 46 0429-A 90-490-P CC Change class to : E 1.99:RFP-4305 113968
The American High School : a Statistical Overview, 1980 ED 1.102:H 35 0461-A-01 14,940 CC Change class to: ED 1.102:H 53. 113967
MEWAs Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act: a Guide to Federal and State Regulation L 40.8:EM 7/3/2004 0773-C-01 E-only CC Change class to L 40.8:M 91/2004. 113966
US Army Psychiatry in the Vietnam War : New Challenges in Extended Counterinsurgency Warfare, 2014 (P) (EL) D 104.2:P 95 0351 2015-0129-P CC Change class to: D 104.2:P 95/4 113965
Oversight of Small Agencies : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Financial and Contracting Oversight of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, Second Session, April 10, 2014 (MF) Y 4.G 74/9:113-409 1037-C 2015-0064-M WH Error on Shipping List. THe correct class is: Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.113-409. 113964
Homeowner's Guide to Retrofitting: Six Ways to Protect your House from Flooding HS 5.108:H 75/4 0520-E-02 CC Class changed to HS 5.108:H 75/5 113962
The Citizen's Almanac : Fundamental Documents, Symbols, and Anthems of the United States, February 2014 HS 8.2:C 49/2014 0520-G 2014-0172-P CC Change class to: HS 8.21:2014. 113961
The Citizen's Almanac : Fundamental Documents, Symbols, and Anthems of the United States, May 2013 HS 8.2:C 49/2013 0520-G 2013-0343-P CC Change class to: HS 8.21:2013. 113960
The Citizen's Almanac : Fundamental Documents, Symbols, and Anthems of the United States, September 2011 HS 8.2:C 49/2011 0520-G 2012-0134-P CC Change class to: HS 8.21:2011. 113959
The Citizen's Almanac : Fundamental Documents, Symbols, and Anthems of the United States, August 2010 HS 8.2:C 49/2010 0520-G 2011-0038-P CC Change class to: HS 8.21:2010. 113958