WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Williams Hill Recreation Area Map & Guide I 53.2:W 67/3 0633-A-04 2021-0019-P CC Change class to: I 53.33/2:W 67/3 118003
Health Protection Perspectives : NCHHSTP Leadership Blog about HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (updated irregularly) (EL) HE 20.7321: 0494-K-20 WH Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. The wrong title and item no., Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and 0494-K 23, were published in the List of Classes for this title. Viral Hepatitis Surveillance can be found with HE 20.7322: and 0494-K-24. 118002
Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (Army Department) D 101.6/5: 0325-B-35 NULL UN New item no. Libraries selecting 0325-B will have 0325-B-35 added to their item selection profile. 111523
Growing America through Entrepreneurship: Findings from the Evaluation of Project GATE, 2008 L 37.27:2010-11 NULL NULL CC Change class to: L 37.27:2008-08 110773
Report FHWA/HI (series) (MF) TD 2.30/15: 0982-G-29 NULL UM Change format to: (P/EL). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. Available through the National Highway Institute after 2000. 112749
Contractions (irregular) (EL) TD 4.308/5: 0431-D-12 EL-only UN New class and item no. Previous class TD 4.308:C 76/ , Previous item no. 0431-D-01. Libraries selecting 0431-D-01 and 0431-C-04 will have 0431-D-12 added to their item selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS53922. 110108
National Portrait Gallery: Permanent Collection Illustrated Checklist, 1982 SI 11.2:C 41/982 0922-B CC Change class to: SI 11.2:P 42/982. 111291
General Publications (Defense Logistics Agency) D 7.2: 0314-A-24 NULL UN New item no. Libraries selecting 0314-A will have 0314-A-24 added to their item selection profile. 111494
Air Traffic Control (biennial) (EL) TD 4.308/4: 0431-D-11 EL-only UM New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0431-D-01 and 0431-C-04 will have 0431-D-11 added to their item selection profile. Previously classed as TD 4.8/2:, item no. 0431-C-04 PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS84585. 110110
FHWA-FLP (series) (annual) (P)(EL) TD 2.30/17: 0982-G-96 NULL UM The series FHWA-FLP has been changed to FHWA-FLH. 112754