WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Final Deliberation of the Selective Service System Advisory Committee on the Selection of Physicians, Dentists, and Allied Health Specialists, Calendar Year-1975 (1976) Y 3.SE 4:2 P 56 CC Change class to: Y 3.SE 4:2 P 56/2. 112831
The FBI Story, 2012, (P) J 1.14/2:F 31/7 0721 2013-0224-P CC Change class to: J 1.14/2:F 31/6/2012. 113194
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Protection of Environment, Part 52, Vol. 3 of 3, Contains S 52.2020 to End, Revised as of July 1, 2012 AE 2.106/3:40/PT 52(S.52.2020-END)/2012 0572-B 2013-0007-P CC Change class to: AE 2.106/3:40/PT.52(S.52.2020-END)/2012. 112715
Oceanography From space: a Research Strategy for the Decade, 1985-1995, PT. 2, March 1985 NS 1.2:OC 2/8/985-95 0830-C 85-431-P CC Change class to: NAS 1.2:OC 2/PT.2; NAS 1.2:OC 2/8/985-95. 113256
Alamosa and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuges, March 2005 I 49.44/2:AL 1/4/2005 0612-C 2005-0130-P CC Change class to: I 49.44/2:AL 1/2005. 113255
Foundation Statement : Joshua Tree National Park, California, October 2011 I 29.2:J 78/5 NULL NULL CC Change class to: I 29.2:J 78/5/2011-2. 113197
United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Legislative Calendar, June 2011, January 6, 2009 to December 22, 2010, 111-1&2 Senate Print 111-67 Y 4.IN 8/19:2009-2010 1009-B-07 2011-0425-P CC Change class to: Y 4.IN 8/19:S.PRT.111-67 111125
Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P) (Economic Research Service) A 93.54: 0042-B NULL UN New item no. Libraries selecting 0042-B will have 0042-B-04 added to their item selection profile. 111584
Citizen's Report (Corporation for National and Community Service) (annual) (EL) Y 3.N 21/29:1-6/ 1089-U-30 NULL UN New class and item no. (EL). Libraries selecting 1089-U-25 will have 1089-U-30 added to their item selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS123618. 109734
Electronic Products (misc.) (Defense Logistics Agency) (E) D 7.45: 0314-A-37 NULL UN New item no. Libraries selecting 0314-A-20 will have 0314-A-37 added to their item selection profile. 111507