WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Annual Report of Health Activities under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 HE 20.7109: 0483-T-06 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 98957
Special Occupational Hazard Review with Control Recommendations HE 20.7113: 0494-D-05 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 98962
NIOSH Worker Bulletin (series) HE 20.7117/2: 0499-F-10 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 98963
Program Plan by Program Area for Fiscal Year HE 20.7121: 0499-F-11 UM Cancel class. Now see: HE 20.7127: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Project for FY, item no. 0499-F-11. 98966
Crime and Delinquency Issues (Monograph Series) HE 20.8114/3: 0507-B-13 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 99057
Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency: Research Report HE 20.8114/2: 0507-B-20 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 99059
Caring About Kids HE 20.8130: 0507-B-31 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 99074
Statistical Compendium on Alcohol and Health HE 20.8317: 0498-C-12 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 99112
Executive Correspondence Information Bulletin, National Health Service Corps HE 20.9110/3: 0532-E-13 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class. 99128
Information Bulletin, Division of Maternal and Child Health HE 20.9111: 0532-E-14 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 99133