WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Miscellaneous Publications (Agriculture Department) (MF/EL) A 1.38: 0013-A N/A UM Format changed to (EL). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114242
United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases: Annual Progress Report (MF) D 104.27: 0352-F UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114373
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Annual Progress Report (Annual) (MF) D 104.15/3: 0352-E UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114367
Economic Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Quarterly) (P) PREX 6.11: 0857-E-03 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 114241
The Long-Term Budget Outlook Y 10.13/2: 1005-F-02 UM Change item number from 1005-F-01 to 1005-F-02 for the print version. 114366
Criminal justice planning in the governing process : a review of nine states : report of a panel of the National Academy of Public Administration. J 26.2:C 12/3 0968-H-01 CC Class changed to J 26.2:C 86/11 114239
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Officer Directory (Annual) (MF) D 103.71: 0344-D UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114285
Digital Data Digest (Quarterly) (MF) D 103.20/8: 0334-A-37 UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114284
Strategic Approaches to Preventing Multiple Casualty Violence: Report of the National Summit on Multiple Casualty Shootings J 36.2:C 87 0720-C N/A CC Change class to: J 36.2:C 87/2. 114238
Army Club System, Annual Report (Annual) (MF) D 102.82: 0322-G UM Format changed to (P). No longer distributed to depository libraries in microfiche format. 114282