WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Surveillance of Invasive Bacterial Disease in Alaska (Annual) (EL) HE 20.7067: 0504-W-38 UM Cancel class and item number. Discontinued by publisher. 1411509
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 17, Commodity and Securities Exchanges, Part 240, Revised as of April 1, 2024 (P) AE 2.107/3:17/PT.240/2024 0572-D-17 2024-0120-P CC Error in sudoc class

AE 2.107/3:17/PT.240/2024 should be AE 2.106/3:17/PT.240/2024
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 17, Commodity and Securities Exchanges, Parts 241-End, Revised as of April 1, 2024 (P) AE 2.107/3:17/PT.241-END/2024 0572-D-17 2024-0120-P CC Error in sudoc class

AE 2.107/3:17/PT.241-END/2024 should be AE 2.106/3:17/PT.241-END/2024
EH (Engineer Histories) (series). (numbered) D 103.143: 0338-B-06 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0338-B-04 will have 0338-B-06 added to their item selection profile. 1411505
USACE Field Office Histories (unnumbered) D 103.144: 0338-B-07 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0337 will have 0338-B-07 added to their item selection profile. Previously classed in D 103.2:. 1411506
Examination of the Municipal Liquidity Facility Established by the Federal Reserve Pursuant to the CARES Act, Senate Hearing 116-1, Serial No. 116-1, September 17, 2020 (P) Y 3.2:OV 2/M 92 1089 2023-0100-P WH Print version of this publication contains a numbering error. Update Senate Hearing number 116-1 to 116-561. Errata will not be distributed. Please refer to the online version: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo189585. CGP records have been updated. 1411504
VHA Recruitment and Retention: is Bureaucracy Holding Back a Quality Workforce (Errata)? ( P) Y 4.V 64/3:118-14/ERRATA 1027-A 2024-0049-P WH Item was not distributed. Shipping list information was erroneously included in some versions of the catalog record and should be removed. 1233054
Mammograms (P) HE 20.4053/2:M 21/ CC Change class to: HE 20.4053/2:M 31/ 1411503
Western Gulf Coast Mottled Duck Survey (Annual) (EL) I 49.106/5-3: 0600-D-12 UM Cancel class and item number discontinued by publisher. 1411502
United States Congressional Serial Set, No. 15783, House Document No. 52, 114th Congress, 1st Session, 2015 (P) Y 1.1/2:15783 1008-F 2024-0033-S WH Title was distributed to libraries that selected the item as of 2/2/2024, and should be retained under the traditional FDLP retention rules. Please add the caret (^) symbol in the uncorrected shipping list. 1411497