WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
SAM-TR D 301.26/13-6: 0422-C-01 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 96809
Module D 301.26/17-4: 0421-E-04 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class. 96813
WSMCR Series D 301.6/7: 0425-B UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 96855
Daily Magnetograms for... from the AFGL Network D 301.45/4-4: 0421-E-06 UM Cancel class. Ceased in 1985. 96857
NDU Research Abstracts D 5.411/2: 0378-H-02 UM Discontinued in 1984. Cancel class. 96944
DOD Interchange Ability and Substitutability (I&S) D 7.36: 0314-L-01 UM Discontinued in early 1993. Cancel class and item no. 96978
DOD Medical Catalog D 7.37: 0314-L-01 UM Cancel class. Now included in D 7.27/2: MEDCAT CD-ROM. CD-ROM is for official use only. Not distributed to depository libraries. 96981
National Survey of Compensation Paid Scientists and Engineers Engaged in Research and Development Activities E 1.24: 0429-T UM Change title to: National Compensation Survey of Research and Development Scientists and Engineers 97061
Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Program E 1.47: 0429-T-35 UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 97088
LBL Research Review E 1.53/2: 0429-E-01 UM Change format to (E) Change title to: Berkeley Lab Research Review 97095