WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Rules of Procedure (Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations) (P) Y 4.G 74/9-14: 1037-B-04 NULL UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 1037-B will have 1037-B-04 added to their selection profile. 113261
NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook Instruction, 1982 NAS 1.18:G 76/4/INST.2 0830-F NULL CC Change class to: NAS 1.18:G 76/3/INST.2. 113260
Immigration and Its Contribution to Our Economic Strength, Part II Y 4.EC 7:S.HRG.113-0047 1000-C 2013-0390-M CC Change class to: Y 4.EC 7:S.HRG.113-0047/PT.2. 113258
Process Design Manual for (various titles) (MF) EP 7.8/2: 0473-C-03 UM Class and item no. canceled. Agency last published a manual in 2006. 115066
FHWA-EP (series) (MF/EL) TD 2.40/4: 0982-G-99 UM Reactivated by mistake in 5-12. Discontinued by publisher in 1998. Cancel class and item no. 113435
Lightweight Concrete Mechanical Properties. TD 2.30:13-068 0982-G-11 CC Class changed to TD 2.30:13-061. 114614
Family Strong (P) (EL) D 101.159: 0325-A-09 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0325-A will have 0325-A-09 added to their item selection profile. http://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo42119 (current issue); http://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo41916 (archived issues). 114026
NCI Cancer Bulletin (biweekly) (EL) HE 20.3153/4: 0507-G-71 EL-only UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 114613
National Computer Security Center NCSC-WA (series) (MF) D 1.79/2: 0306-A-08 NULL UM Discontinued by agency. Cancel class and item no. 113253
Meat, Poultry, and Egg Products Inspection, Report of the Secretary of Agriculture to the U.S. Congress (EL) A 110.11/2: 0011-D EL-only UM Discontinued by publisher. Cancel class and item no. 113252