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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Annual Report (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) (EL) I 72.1/3: 0671-C-03 UM Cancel class and item no. See class: I 75.1: Item no.: 0671-M-01. 115660
Addendum: United States Congressional Serial Set: Serial Number 15664, Part 2, Senate Document No. 25, 113-2, January 6, 2014-January 3, 2015 Y 1.1/2:SERIAL 15664/PT.2/ADD. 1008-F 2017-0151-P CC Item and class no. incorrect on shipping list 2017-0151-P; change item no. to: 1008-D-02 and class no. to: Y 1.1/10:113-2/ADD. Redistributed on Shipping List 2017-0353-P. NOTE: Correct title: 2015 Schedule of Serial Set Volumes, 113th Congress, 2nd Session, Addendum, Serial Numbers 15664 and 15665, Part 2, (P) 116167
Addendum: United States Congressional Serial Set: Serial Number 15664, Part 1, Senate Document No. 25, 113-2, January 6, 2014-January 3, 2015 Y 1.1/2:SERIAL 15665/PT.1/ADD. 1008-F 2017-0151-P CC Item and class no. incorrect on shipping list 2017-0151-P; change item no. to: 1008-D-02 and class no. to: Y 1.1/10:113-2/ADD. Redistributed on Shipping List 2017-0353-P.NOTE: Correct title: 2015 Schedule of Serial Set Volumes, 113th Congress, 2nd Session, Addendum, Serial Numbers 15664 and 15665, Part 2, (P) 115799
Schedule of Serial Set Volumes, 113th Congress, 2nd Session, Addendum, Serial Numbers 15664 and 15665 (P) Y 1.1/10:113-2/ADD. 1008-F WH Distribution only error. Addendum was originally distributed under item number 1008-F listed on shipping list 2017-0151-P. This addendum will be redistributed under its correct item number 1008-D-02 on shipping list 2017-0353-P. If a duplicate copy is received, please discard. 115646
Code of Federal Regulations. CFR Index and Finding Aids (annual) (EL) AE 2.106/3-2: 0572-C-03 UN New item no. Libraries selecting 0572 will have 0572-C-03 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo83694 115666
Surprise Valley - Barrel Springs Back Country Byway, Self-Guided Tour (P) I 53.2:C 12/13 0631 99-0036-P CC Change class for the 1998 edition to: I 53.7/2:SU 7/2. 115751
Marine Corps University, Command and Staff College catalog (Annual) (P/EL) D 214.37: 0383-B-02 UM Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 115658
U.S. Imports of Merchandise, Statistical Month April 2017 (DVD) C 3.278/2: 0154-D 2017-0009-E WH Incorrect data. Agency supplied export data on import labeled disk. DVD will be reprinted, discard this disk when the replacement is received. 115657
General Publications (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) I 75.2: 0671-M UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting item no. 0671-C will have item no. 0671-M added to their item selection profile. 115656
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement I 75 UN New bureau. 115655