WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Achiever (irregular) ED 1.85/2: 0455-J-03 UN New item (EL). Libraries selecting 0455-J-01 will have 0455-G-03 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS27958. 105640
Office of Research and Development (Environmental Protection Agency) EP 11. UN New Office. 105744
General Publications (Office of Research and Development) EP 11.2: 0431-Y UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0431-I-01 will have 0431-Y added to their selection profile. 105747
Customs and Border Protection Today (monthly) HS 4.115: 0520-C-04 UN New class and item no. (EL). Previously: Customs Today, T 17.16:, item no. 0950-F. Libraries selecting 0950-F will have 0520-C-04 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS33454 106533
FY ... Annual Performance Plan, FY ... Annual Performance Report (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) I 49.1/9: 0613-C-03 UN New class and item no. (EL). Libraries selecting 0613-C will have 0613-C-03 added to their item selection profile. Previously called: Annual Performance Plan, Annual Performance Report (EL). PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS32989. 106837
United States Agency for International Development ID UN New agency. 106940
Front Lines (11 times a year) ID 1.15: 0900-I-02 UN New class and item no. (EL). Previously classed S 18.63:, item no. 0900-C-21. Libraries selecting 0900-C-21 will have 0900-I-02 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS752. 106942
African Voices (quarterly) ID 1.16: 0900-I-03 UN New class and item no. (EL). Previously classed S 18.66:, item no. 0900-C-22. Libraries selecting 0900-C-22 will have 0900-I-03 added to their selection profile. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS4435. 106943
General Publications (U.S. Agency for International Development) ID 1.2: 0900-I UN New class and item no. Previous class: S 18.2:, item no. 0900-C-02. Libraries selecting 0900-C-02 will have 0900-I added to their selection profile. 106948
Handbooks, Manuals, and Guides (U.S. Agency for International Development) ID 1.8: 0900-I-01 UN New class and item no. Previous class: S 18.8:, item no. 0900-C-04. Libraries selecting 0900-C-04 will have 0900-I-01 added to their selection profile. 106955