- Classification/Cataloging Update (CC): Represents Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classification number changes
- What Happened to? (WH): Represents miscellaneous information (e.g., delays in distribution, production/publishing issues) that may be useful to depository coordinators as they maintain their depository collections. This category is used infrequently.
- Updates to the List of Classes, New Items (UN): Represents new depository item numbers that have been recently created and added to the List of Classes.
- Updates to the List of Classes, Misc. (UM): Represents miscellaneous updates to the List of Classes (e.g., title changes, discontinued or inactivated depository item numbers or SuDoc classification numbers).
For more information on WEBTech Notes, go to the article under Instructions.
Title | SuDoc No. | Item No. | Shipping List No. | Category | Notes | Record No. | Created | Last Modified | |
CPI Detailed Report, February 2003 | L 2.38/3:2003/3 | 0768-F | 2003-0193-P | CC | Change class to: L 2.38/3:2003/2. Typo on shipping list. | 91107 | |||
Economic Report of the President, 2002 | PR 43.9:2002 | 0848-F | 2003-0247-M | CC | Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. | 91652 | |||
105-1 United States of America, Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 105th Congress, Volume 143, Part 2 | X 1.1:105/1-143/PT.2 | 0993-A | 2003-0296-M | CC | Duplicate distributed in error. Previously distributed on shipping list 2003-0286-M. Treat as secondary copy. | 92384 | |||
104-1 United States Congressional Serial Set, Senate Documents, Nos. 7-9, Serial No. 14281, January 4, 1995-January 3, 1996 | Y 1.1/2:SERIAL 14281 | 1008-F | 2003-0297-M | CC | Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. | 92412 | |||
House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents, and Procedures of the House, 2003 | Y 1.2:P 88/2/2003 | 0998 | 2003-0262-M | CC | Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. | 92515 | |||
108th Congress: The Senate of The United States, Committee and Subcommittee Assignments, S. Pub. 108-5, March 31, 2003 | Y 1.3:S.PUB.108-5 | 0998-A-01 | 2003-0297-M | CC | Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. | 92556 | |||
Proven Ideas From Research for Parents: A Child Becomes a Reader, Kindergarten through Grade 3, Second Edition, Spring 2003 | Y 3.L 71:2 C 43/KINDER./2003 | 1089-V | 2003-0224-P | CC | Duplicate, distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. | 92671 | |||
83-1 Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, Vol. 2 | Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.107-84/V.2 | 1037-C | 2003-0260-M | CC | Change class to: Y 4.G 74/9:S.PRT. 107-84/V.2. | 93269 | |||
Milkfat Prices | A 92.10/2-2: | 0024-F-01 | UM | Cancel class. Discontinued. Archived copies located at: PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS33435. | 94042 | ||||
State Personal Income (SPI) | C 59.25: | 0130-U-02 | UM | Cancel format (CD-ROM). CD-ROM no longer produced, per agency. Information now available through the SPI web application. PURL: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS3781. | 95971 |