WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Summary of Division Accomplishments (Environment and Natural Resources Division) (Annual) (EL) J 1.131: 0717-A-68 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0717 will have 0717-A-68 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo121028 116728
National Drug Control Strategy. Performance Reporting System Report (annual) (EL) PREX 26.1/5: 0857-R-14 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0857-R-03 will have 0857-R-14 added to their item selection profile. PURLs: Recent issues: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo120960; Archived issues: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo120961 116727
Explore Census Data (updated irregularly) (EL) C 3.300/2: 0154-B-64 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0154-B-16 will have 0154-B-64 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo120978 116726
Census of Housing: Subject Reports (Series 90-CH-3) (P) C 3.224/10: 0155-A UM Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 116730
Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (United States) (P) C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 0156-B-55 UM Class in bibliographic record: C 3.224/3:1990 CH-2-1. Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 116731
Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Outlying Areas) (P) C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 0156-B-53 UM Classes in bibliographic records: C 3.224/3:1990 CH-2-53 and C 3.224/3:1990 CH-2-55. Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 116732
Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Wyoming) (P) C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 0156-B-50 UM Class in bibliographic record: C 3.224/3:1990 CH-2-52. Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 116733
Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Wisconsin) (P) C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 0156-B-49 UM Class in bibliographic record: C 3.224/3:1990 CH-2-51. Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 116734
Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (West Virginia) (P) C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 0156-B-48 UM Class in bibliographic record: C 3.224/3:1990 CH-2-50. Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 116735
Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Washington) (P) C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 0156-B-47 UM Class in bibliographic record: C 3.224/3:1990 CH-2-49. Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by publisher. 116736