- Classification/Cataloging Update (CC): Represents Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classification number changes
- What Happened to? (WH): Represents miscellaneous information (e.g., delays in distribution, production/publishing issues) that may be useful to depository coordinators as they maintain their depository collections. This category is used infrequently.
- Updates to the List of Classes, New Items (UN): Represents new depository item numbers that have been recently created and added to the List of Classes.
- Updates to the List of Classes, Misc. (UM): Represents miscellaneous updates to the List of Classes (e.g., title changes, discontinued or inactivated depository item numbers or SuDoc classification numbers).
For more information on WEBTech Notes, go to the article under Instructions.
Title | SuDoc No. | Item No. | Shipping List No. | Category | Notes | Record No. | Created | Last Modified | |
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (annual) (EL) | FR 2.1/8: | 0443-G-20 (online) | UN | New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0443-G-05 will have 0443-G-20 added to their item selection profile. | 1231408 | ||||
Air & Space Power Journal (quarterly) (EL) | D 301.26/24: | 0422-A (online) | UM | Title change to: Air & space operations review. https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo215334 | 1231411 | ||||
Calendar ... Congress, Final ... (P) | Y 4.SCI 2:/ | CC | Change class to: Y 4.SCI 2: | 1231412 | |||||
Legislative Calendar, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Senate print 116-54, 116th Congress, Final edition, March 25, 2021 (P) | Y 4.AG 8/3-11:2019-2020 | 1032-C | 2023-0074-P | CC | Change item no. to 1032-C-01. | 1231414 | |||
U.S. Government Global Food Security Strategy (quinquennial) (EL) | ID 1.20/2: | 0900-I-46 | UN | New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0900-I-09 will have 0900-I-46 added to their item selection profile. PURL: https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo174390 | 1231413 | ||||
A Tutorial Review of the New EMI Models and Their Effects on Receiver Performance (P) | C 60.10:80-7 | 0126-D-05 | 14,581 (July 18, 1980) | CC | Incorrect classification in Monthly Catalog entry (82-4691). SuDoc correct on Shipping List. Correct class is C 60.12:80-7. | 1231407 | |||
A Commitment to Our Learners (P) | ED 1.2:C 73/5 | 0455-B-02 | 94-0305-P | CC | Change class to: ED 1.2:C 73/17 | 000425501 | |||
Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Annual Activities (P/EL) | NAS 1.52: | 0856-D | UM | Change format to EL-only. | 1231406 | ||||
NASA Aeronautics Research and Technology Annual Report (P) | NAS 1.19/2: | 0830-G-01 | UM | Cancel class and item no. Discontinued by Publisher. | 1231405 | ||||
Background Material and Data on Programs Within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means (Green Book) (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE | Y 4.W 36:10-4 | 1028-A-04 | UM | Ceased in print with: 2004. Cancel item number. For online version, see item no. 1028-A-01, https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/LPS110320 | 1231404 |