WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Politicval Map of the World (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-4: 0856-A-22 UM Format changed to EL only. Agency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However the map can be found in the map mof the World Factbook. 114054
Africa (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-5: 0856-A-23 UM Format changed to EL only. Ageency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However the maps can be found in the back of the World Factbook. 114053
Antarctic Region (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-6: 0856-A-24 UM Format changed to EL only. Agency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However the maps can be found in the back of the World Factbook. 114052
Arctic Region (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-7: 0856-A-25 UM Format changed to EL only. Agency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However the maps can be found in the back of the World Factbook. 114051
Asia (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-8: 0856-A-26 UM Format changed to EL only. Agency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However the maps can be found in the back of the World Factbook. 114050
Central America and the Caribbean (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-9: 0856-A-27 UM Format changed to EL only. Agency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However the maps can be found in the back of the World Factbook. 114049
Europe (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-10: 0856-A-28 UM Format changed to EL only. Agency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However the maps can be found in the back of the World Factbook. 114048
Map of the World Oceans (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-17: 0856-A-38 UM Format changed to EL only. Agency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However the maps can be found in the back of the World Factbook. 114041
United States (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-16: 0856-A-34 UM Format changed to EL only. Agency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However the maps can be found in the back of the World Factbook. 114042
South America (Annual) (P) PREX 3.10/4-14 0856-A-32 UM Format changed to EL only. Agency is no longer producing the maps in paper format. However they can be found in the back of the World Factbook. 114044