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2024 Virtual Poster Presentation

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Doing What We Have Always Done in TRAIL

Doing What We Have Always Done in TRAIL

Laure Sare, Librarian, Texas A&M University Sterling C. Evans Library, [email protected]

Jen Kirk, Government Information Librarian, Utah State University Merrill Cazier Library, [email protected]

Sinai Wood, Documents Librarian, Baylor University Jesse H. Jones Library, [email protected]

The Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) identifies, acquires, catalogs, digitizes and provides unrestricted access to U.S. government agency technical reports. TRAIL currently consists of over four dozen member institutions whose annual membership fees and volunteered staff time further the efforts of the project. The mission of TRAIL is to ensure preservation, discoverability, and persistent open access to government technical publications regardless of form or format. This article covers the work of TRAIL since our 10th anniversary in 2016.  In the past few years TRAIL has moved beyond a focus of digitizing tangible print reports and has started investing in digitizing reports currently only available on microcard. Digitizing this new format meant creating new workflows to ensure these reports provide the same detailed metadata as their print-based counterparts.

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Leveraging the Federal Depository Library (FDL) Conference to Provide Pathways for Exploring Government Resources and Expanding Professional Presentation Skills

Raquel Estrada, Acquisition and Collection Development Librarian, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley University Library, [email protected]

Shannon Pensa, Head of Special Collections & University Archives, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley University Library, [email protected]

When is a conference more than just a conference? Can the FDL Conference be a platform for more than connecting with colleagues and researching government documents? Librarians from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Acquisitions and Collection Development and Special Collections and Archives explore how the FDL conference might serve as a gateway to promoting government resources and building communication and presentation skills. Our goal is to think beyond the traditional approaches to conference participation as a space to connect, and showcase knowledge, and to consider how the conference might serve as a unique platform for library paraprofessional staff to contribute, an opportunity to establish new partnerships with faculty and students, leverage engagement with other community members, and develop alternative ways to promote government resources.

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Valentines Day @ the Library

Raquel Estrada, Acquisition and Collection Development Librarian, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley University Library, [email protected]

The University Library celebrated its first Valentine’s Day @ the Library event in 2024 with the aim of promoting government resources. To capture patron attention this event highlighted free printable Valentine cards available from various government websites. To support this activity, digital posters were created promoting government resources, and an information table was set up featuring some of the printable Valentine cards and promotional material from the FDLP program. With positive response towards programming, we are expecting to continue this event in the future.

Valentine’s Day Library Poster

Valentine’s Day Library Poster ScholarWork (IR) Dashboard Statistics

Valentine Resources

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FDLP Academy: Join Our Network of Contributors

FDLP Academy: Join Our Network of Contributors

Kelly Seifert, Strategic Communications Coordinator, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]

Ashley Dahlen, Outreach Librarian, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]

Since its inception 10 years ago, the FDLP Academy has developed a rich and diverse community of presenters, attendees, and supporters. Over 175 FDLP community presenters have shared their expertise to over 100,000 webinar and conference registrants! As we look to the next 10 years of the FDLP Academy, the staff at GPO is looking for presenters on a wide variety of topics. The FDLP community ranges from Government information novices to seasoned subject matter experts. Programs speaking to different skill levels are welcome. Do you have expertise or experience in any of the following topics? The FDLP Academy would love to host you! 

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NTRS poster 2024.pdf NTRS poster 2024.pdf.jpg

Navigating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Melanie Medsger, Technical Services Librarian, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected] 

The purpose of this poster is to inform the FDLP community about NASA publications. Various types of publications are explored and defined in this poster. Searching techniques are also illustrated. This poster gives an overview of the publications and reports that are published by NASA.  

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Celebrating the Years

Celebrating the Years

Katherine Loving, Collection Management and Technical Services Librarian, Southwestern Oklahoma State University Al Harris Library, [email protected]

While preparing a display celebrating Al Harris Library's 65th Anniversary in the FDLP program, a state proclamation from 2001 was uncovered. This proclamation declares April 25, 2001, Al Harris Library Day.  A day we would like to bring back to the forefront to observe. The proclamation shows the dedication the Al Harris Library has strived for in making both federal and state government documents available for everyone.

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Constitutions Cookies and Community

Constitutions, Cookies, and Community

Shane Wallace, Associate Librarian, University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library, [email protected]

Ambra Gagliardi, Collection Development Librarian, University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library, [email protected]

At the University of Utah's J. Willard Marriott Library, we serve a variety of student populations from across our state. As part of the University's mission is to, "prepare students to be leaders and global citizens”, the library's government documents team is specially positioned to be ambassadors for government information. During an initiative for Constitution and Citizenship Day, the team hosted an event for not only distributing pocket constitutions and other materials but also for created a venue involving a wide range of campus partners; the goal of this event was present a celebration of different ways of being a citizen. This poster will provide an explanation of the event's intent, planning, staging, and execution.

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Creating an Eye-Catching Poster for Constitution Day 2024

Creating an Eye-Catching Poster for Constitution Day 2024: Highlighting Amendments with Images from the Library of Congress

Edward Kownslar, Head of Public Services, Stephen F. Austin State University Ralph W. Steen Library, [email protected]

The library at Stephen F. Austin State University celebrates Constitution Day each year.  In the past, only a small percentage of people have taken the free pocket guides or have expressed interest in the exhibits.  To increase interest this year, the library created a more engaging poster that highlighted the amendments that directly impact peoples’ lives.  As a result, the library gave away nearly 90 percent of the pocket guides within one week.  This poster will highlight the processes that we used to create a more engaging poster, including (1) selecting which amendments to display; (2) locating the images to highlight those amendments; and (3) managing/editing those images.  This poster also includes: (1) a reduced-size version of the poster that we used for the exhibit; and (2) a link to the SFA Library’s resource guide from which anyone can download the images that we used for our poster. 

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Everyone Loves the Library (Building)

Everyone loves the library (building) – Now weed your gov docs

Jodi Jacques, Business and Government Information Librarian, University of Alaska Anchorage UAA/APU Consortium Library, [email protected]

Ruth D. Terry, Web Librarian, University of Alaska Anchorage UAA/APU Consortium Library, [email protected]

In 2022, our library began planning for a significant reduction in the size of the Government Documents collection made necessary by the relocation of another department into the library building. This poster describes how we got started, where we are now, and tips for others who may be considering a large weeding project. 

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Extending Impact Using Government Publications to Enrich Library Exhibits,Themed Displays, and Student Research

Jessica Hawkes, Government Information Librarian, Nicholls State University Ellender Memorial Library, [email protected]

This poster explores the integration of government publications into library exhibits, themed displays, and student research projects to enhance engagement and enrich academic inquiry. Often underutilized, government documents offer a wealth of primary source materials that provide unique perspectives on historical, scientific, and policy-related topics. By incorporating these resources into exhibits and displays, institutions can create visually compelling and informative showcases that connect students with real-world issues. Additionally, these publications serve as valuable tools for student research, offering authoritative data and insights across various disciplines. This poster highlights strategies for curating exhibits with government publications, incorporating them into academic research assignments, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.

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Federal Depository Library Leading the Way of Civic Engagement

Anna Xiong, Government Information Coordinator, Rice University Fondren Library, [email protected]

Federal Depository Libraries have the strong potential to continue serving as a civic leader in the digital age. This poster highlights Rice University's Fondren Library and its five-year journey to becoming a strong civic engagement leader on campus. It will feature charts, tables, and infographics showcasing Fondren Library's growing efforts, achievements, and service statistics, along with event photos, links to resources and materials, ideas, experience and suggestions for enhancing civic engagement. While the poster aims to inspire Federal Depository Libraries, it can serve as a model for any library seeking to take on a leadership role in civic engagement.

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From Marcive to OCLC: WorldShare Collection Manager for Electronic Government Documents Records

Galadriel Lackey, Senior Library Technician II, Acquisitions and Electronic Resources, Oklahoma State University Edmon Low Library, [email protected]

Suzanne Reinman, Documents Librarian and Department Head, Government Documents, Oklahoma State University Edmon Low Library, [email protected]

WorldShare Collection Manager (WCM) is a powerful tool provided free of charge to OCLC subscribers. It makes it easy to set OCLC holdings and procure high-quality records for print and electronic resources. 

As a Marcive subscriber, we moved to OCLC for online Government Documents records. We select the full collection and configure it for record delivery on a weekly basis. Libraries receive the same OCLC records previously provided by MARCIVE.

This poster will illustrate the steps to upload online GPO records into library catalogs/Folio: Collections Available, Record Delivery Configuration, Titles in WCM, the Download Interface, and Records in the public catalog/EDS. The authors’ contact information will be available for any questions.

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GODORT 101: Discover the Government Documents Round Table

GODORT Steering Committee, currently chaired by Andie Craley, Technical Services & Government Information Librarian, Harford Community College Library, [email protected]

Discover the work and people that make up the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of the American Library Association. Learn how GODORT works to promote government information at all levels and support those who provide this information to the public. Discover the many ways GODORT builds community through publications, webinar series, informal chats open to all, and collaborations with GPO and the FDLP Academy.

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Government Information and Maps 2.0

Government Information and Maps 2.0: The Next-Gen Platform for Government Maps & Information

Lawrence Mello, Government Documents Coordinator & Research and Instructional Services Librarian, Florida Atlantic University S.E. Wimberly Library,  [email protected]

The Government Information and Maps Department at Florida Atlantic University's S.E. Wimberly Library proudly presents a comprehensive overhaul of our online presence. This exciting initiative, spearheaded by Lawrence J. Mello, Jr., the Government Documents Coordinator, redesigned the Government Information and Maps Web presence, enhancing accessibility for students, researchers, and the public.

Key Features

  • Redesigned Web Pages: Streamlined interface for easier navigation
  • Updated Subject Guides: Curated resources for specific research areas
  • Enhanced Search Functionality: Improved tools to locate government documents and maps

Promotional Efforts

To ensure widespread awareness and utilization of our new platform, we've implemented a multi-faceted outreach strategy:

  • Digital Email Flyers: Targeted communications to University Faculty
  • Digital Screen Savers: Engaging visuals on public library computers
  • "The Gov. Docs. Librarian" Blog: New resource accessible via FAU Libraries websites

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Let's SuDoc About It! Designing an Interactive Gov Docs Training for Student Workers

Erika Westhoff, Checkout & Reserves Coordinator and Resource Sharing Assistant, Colorado Mesa University John U. Tomlinson Library, [email protected]

Laureen P. Cantwell-Jurkovic, Head of Access Services & Outreach, Colorado Mesa University John U. Tomlinson Library,[email protected] 

Our Checkout & Reserves team at Colorado Mesa University needed to take on government document pulling and shelving work upon the retirement of our long-time government documents technician. We found ourselves in need of resources to help train student workers--and possibly staff members as well. While there are many excellent LibGuides and webpages available, none seemed to meet our goals for the training we wanted to provide. This poster shares the LibWizard-based, interactive government document training module we devised for our student workers as well as our lessons learned and planned enhancements to the training a year into its use.

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Mixed agenda for a mixed jurisdiction

Mixed Agenda for a Mixed Jurisdiction: A Showcase Of Programs At The UPR Law School Library

Mariangeli Lugo-Zayas, Law Librarian, University of Puerto Rico Law Library, [email protected]

Amarilis Ortiz-Munoz, Librarian Assistant III, University of Puerto Rico Law Library, [email protected]

The poster highlights the exhibitions and programs developed at the University of Puerto Rico Law Library, a participant in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) for over 30 years. The library has successfully curated and delivered initiatives aimed at enhancing access to federal resources to our patrons. Some tailored after amendments of the U.S. Constitution, others reflecting the changing nature of GPO resources (print to electronic), but all centered with one objective in mind: public access to government materials. The selected programs will focus on activities presented following our thirtieth anniversary celebration.

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Preserving the Serial Set: Takeaways on being a Preservation Steward partner with GPO

Jenny McBurney, Government Publications Librarian, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Government Publications Library, [email protected]

Sara Westdal, Library Assistant, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Government Publications Library, [email protected]

The University of Minnesota - Twin Cities signed an agreement with GPO in 2018 to become a Preservation Steward for the Serial Set.  Since then, our Government Publications Library staff have become deeply involved in understanding the history and physical makeup of the Serial Set, and have built our collection up to 14,000 volumes.  This poster will describe the preservation needs of our collection and how we have addressed them, our processes working with GPO and other libraries to fill our Serial Set gaps, our challenges and successes as we manage this historic and valuable collection, and our advice to other libraries considering becoming a Preservation Steward.

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Recording our Commitment!

Recording Our Commitment! Describing FDLP Print Distribution Title Retention Commitments with SPA

Janelle Nash, Government Information Collections Services Supervisor, Arizona State University Library, [email protected]

Joel Smalley, Lead, Bibliographic and Serials Maintenance, Arizona State University Library, [email protected]

Shari Laster, Head, Open Collections Curation and Access, Arizona State University Library, [email protected]

As an active partner in shared print programs, Arizona State University (ASU) Library has adopted the Shared Print Actions: Terminology for MARC 21 Field 583 (SPA) to locally record selected shared print commitments. Formally accepted by the Library of Congress in July 2024, SPA provides standardized terminology for typical actions taken as part of participation in a shared print program, which allows institutions to record these activities locally. SPA is an important step toward greater metadata interoperability for institutions committing to retain materials on behalf of a shared print program. It also provides an extensible vocabulary and structure that can be used to record retention commitments for other purposes. To that end, ASU Library created internal guidelines for recording new FDLP Print Distribution Title (PDT) retention commitments. Using standardized terminology increases the long-term viability of this practice so that staff are aware of the retention requirements associated with these materials. In this poster, we share a short overview of SPA and provide the specific terminology we chose to represent our PDT holdings.

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Regional Awareness of Historical and Ecological Impacts of Invasive Species

Regional Awareness of Historical and Ecological Impacts of Invasive: A Case for Highlighting Government Resources for Local History Research

Shannon Pensa, Head of Special Collections & Archives, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley University Library, [email protected]

Guillermo Corona, Library Assistant I, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley University Library, [email protected]

Historically the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas has relied on agriculture for economic development as well as travel and tourism given its proximity to Mexico. UTRGV University Library Special Collections & Archives compiles research guides to facilitate access and discovery of relevant information and resources among our collections. Our Invasive Plant & Insect Species Research Guide is also intended to raise regional awareness of the historical impacts of invasive species on the local environment and agriculture, including the transformation of ecological landscapes, endangerment of native species, economic harms, and threats to human safety and border security. You may access the Invasive Plants & Insects Research Guide via: https://utrgv.libguides.com/SCA/invasive

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Transitioning Student Employee Workflows

Transitioning Student Employee Workflows in Government Documents

Emily Wilburn, Scholarly Communication Specialist, University of Alabama Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library, [email protected]

As with many FDLP libraries, we are transitioning from print materials to electronic materials and changing how we process incoming resources. In theory, this shift is simple, but in reality, the student management tactics that would have previously ensured success no longer apply. When I began managing government documents in 2022, student workers had a well-established workflow that required minor adjustments to increase productivity. As a regional depository, we were accustomed to processing multiple boxes, with a plethora of material. These materials were often accompanied by correlating barcodes and labels. Now, we may see one box each month requiring an amended processing procedure. My student workers have had to adjust to a change in my management style and the expectations I have established so they can continue to meet their workplace goals.

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