Spring DLC Meeting - Buffalo, NY
Information on using congressional information on a specific geographic place to provide insight into social and political history of the U.S. Presented by Marianne Ryan, Associate University Librarian for Public Services, Northwestern University; and Catherine Jervey, Director, Market Planning Legislative and Historical Services LexisNexis.
Updates and highlights from CMP on outreach activities; Public Access Assessments;
PURL and archive activities; FDL Handbook; and Depository Distribution. Presented by James Mauldin, Manager, Archival Management, GPO.
PURL and archive activities; FDL Handbook; and Depository Distribution. Presented by James Mauldin, Manager, Archival Management, GPO.
Information on collaborating to fulfill the goal of digitizing the legacy collection of tangible U.S. Government publications for public access.
Slides used by council at the Council Session: Council Wrap Up on Wednesday April 28, 2010.
Provides information on the Customer Relations Program (CRP) for Federal depository libraries (FDLs) that delineates them by type of library.
Presents results from a mixed methods survey of public libraries about e-government and public access computers. Presented by Diane Velasquez, Assistant Professor, Dominican University.
Visual representation of the content flow through FDsys.
Presented by GPO’s Program Management Office (PMO).
Information presented from the U.S. Government Printing Office, the Federal Depository Library Council, and the Office of the Federal Register on FDsys.
Outline's benefits FDsys offers Federal depository librarians.
Information on FDsys answering the above questions.
Presented by Melissa Gilliland Fairfield, Government Information Librarian and Laura Steinbach, Orientation Librarian from the tculibrary, Fort Worth, Texas.
Provides highlights from LPD on legacy systems migration, FDsys training manual, partnerships, FDLP Desktop and Community sites. Presented by Ted Priebe, Director, Library Planning and Development (LPD), GPO.
Overall update on LSCM.
Update on new activities and initiatives in Library Technical Information Services, including ILS functionality, WebTech Notes, shelflist conversion project, etc. Presented by Laurie Hall, Director, Library Technical Information Services (LTIS), GPO.
Information on partnering with GPO if your library has a project, resource, or service that would benefit the depository library community and the public.
Remarks from Ric Davis during the kick-off session of the Spring DLC Meeting.
Public Printer Robert C. Tapella's remarks during the kick-off session of the Spring DLC Meeting.
Information on researching the financial crisis from the "Insider's" point of view; Overview of financial regulation in the US; and Exploring the sources. Presented by Charles Lyons, Mike Lavin, and Ed Herman.
Flyer highlighting resources that are key starting points to utilize in order to learn about managing a Federal depository library.
Final detailed agenda for the Spring 2010 DLC Meeting in Buffalo, NY.
Final at-a-glace schedule for the Spring 2010 DLC Meeting in Buffalo, NY.
Information on libraries designated as regional depositories permiting depository libraries, within the areas served by them, to dispose of Government publications which they have retained for five years after first offering them to other depository libraries within their area, then to other libraries.