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New Serial Set Project Records Available on GitHub

A new group of United States Congressional Serial Set Serial Set Project MARC records is now available in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP), and files of the records are available on GitHub. The record set includes 16,498 records (16,402 monographs and 96 serials) in various Congressional publication series, including House and Senate documents and reports. All records have Superintendent of Documents classification numbers for the Congressional publication and the Serial Set series and OCLC numbers. The records do not contain item numbers.

The records are available for downloading from GitHub in MARC UTF-8 (cataloging-records-serial-set-utf8) and in MARCXML UTF-8 (cataloging-records-serial-set-marcxml). The repositories have a cumulated file of all Serial Set records in the CGP and the new file of CGP records. For more information about downloading records from GitHub, please visit the Sources of GPO Cataloging Records page on

The records are discoverable in the CGP via the Congressional Serial Set Catalog and the standard search modes. In the expert search mode, you can use a local field search to retrieve all of the Serial Set records and combine that search with other elements: wlts=SERIALSET?

For more information about the project and data on the records, please visit the Digitizing the United States Congressional Serial Set page on Please submit your feedback and questions about the records via askGPO in the “Cataloging/Metadata (Policy and Records)” category.

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