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NCSA Follow-Up Questionnaire on Print Distribution Title (PDT) Criteria

During the week of November 13-17, 2023, meetings were held in each of the four National Collection Service Areas (NCSAs): Midwest, West, South, and Northeast. The purpose of these meetings was to review requirements for libraries that would like to continue receiving the tangible Print Distribution Titles (PDT) and to discuss criteria for the allocation of these titles by GPO to the FDLP.

Important Resources:

During the four meetings, GPO and DLC representatives met with participating libraries in each NCSA to discuss the criteria the Superintendent of Documents should use to determine which libraries have priority for receipt of the limited paper format titles moving forward. The community was informed of a questionnaire that would be shared following the meetings.

Please complete this questionnaire by COB Thursday, November 30, 2023, to provide input into your preferred criteria in your NCSA. Even if your library does not wish to receive a paper format title moving forward, it is extremely important that we hear each library’s preferences for their NCSA’s priorities. One response per library will be accepted.

If you have any questions, please use askGPO, and select the category, “Other depository library question or issue.”

FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.