LSCM Pilot Project 1 with Utah State University’s Merrill Cazier Library


Launched in 2021, LSCM Pilot Projects are focused initiatives designed to benefit the FDLP community and enhance the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information. These projects are jointly-conducted with Federal depository libraries. Learn more by visiting the LSCM Pilot Projects page.

Pilot Project 1 was open for submissions in the fall of 2021 and involves cataloging, item-level inventory, condition assessment, and digitization of between 200-300 documents from either the U.S. war years of WWI (1914-1918) or WWII (1941-1945).

The Merrill Cazier Library (MCL) at Utah State University was selected to participate in this pilot. An inventory and collection assessment will be conducted on a small collection of an Executive Branch War-time Agency documents. Then, the documents will be cataloged, digitized, and ingested into GovInfo.


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GPO staff visited Utah State University’s Merrill Cazier Library in March 2022 for the official kickoff of the Pilot. Here you see some snapshots from their visit.