2023 Fall DLC: Uncle Sam on the Road: Managing the Intricacies of a Government Documents Collection Move

  • Duration: 47 minutes
  • Date Recorded: October 16, 2023


  • Laurie Aycock, Collection Development Librarian, Kennesaw State University
  • Michelle Colquitt, Continuing Resources and Government Information Management Librarian, Clemson University
  • Amanda McLeod, Social Sciences and Government Information Librarian, Clemson University


Space is and always will be a consideration in academic libraries. Join librarians Laurie Aycock of Kennesaw State University and Michelle Colquitt and Amanda McLeod of Clemson University as they discuss the space concerns that led to large scale collection moves. Clemson University’s Government Document collection move involved Mother Nature’s intervention—a cold snap that led to a severe flood and breakdown of the library’s HVAC system on most of the R.M. Cooper Library’s floors (five out of six). Kennesaw State’s collection move took place during 2020-21 when University System of Georgia colleges had moved to online instruction and minimal employees were on campus, and without much advance notice. This session will also cover project management, communication challenges, and the need to adapt project plans quickly.

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