2024 Fall DLC: Cataloging Roundtable: Making Online Government Publications Discoverable to Patrons

  • Duration: 105 minutes
  • Date Recorded: October 21, 2024


  • Valerie Glenn, Business and Public Affairs Collections Librarian, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Stephen Slovasky, Unit Head, Cataloging, Connecticut State Library
  • Ariella Mason, Special Collections Coordinator, Fresno County Public Library
  • Sarah Causey, Georgia State Documents Librarian, Interim Head, Map and Government Information Library, Interim Federal Regional Depository Librarian, University of Georgia
  • Paul Arrigo, Director, Lee College Library
  • Karyn Meyers, Cataloger, United States Marine Corps University Research Library
  • Will Mayer, Electronic Resources & Innovation Librarian, Lee College Library


This roundtable session features representatives from public, academic, state, and Federal agency libraries who will discuss different methods of making online Government publications discoverable to library patrons. With the transition to the digital FDLP and the end of the Cataloging Record Distribution Program, many FDLs are considering how to adapt their workflows to the changing landscape. Attendees will learn about a wide range of methods for making their Government documents discoverable including leveraging their websites, updating library guides, importing records into their catalogs, enhancing catalog records, and using GPO’s tools, such as the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications and FDLP Data Manager. This session aims to provide libraries with potential workflows for making their online documents discoverable.

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