Superintendent of Documents


This draft strategic plan was released for public review and comment June 27, 2022 – July 28, 2022.  It provides a framework to coordinate and apply lifecycle management best practices to support Federal depository libraries, and to establish partnerships to build, provide access to, and to preserve our shared National Collection of the Government’s publications, which is a vital information asset for an America Informed.

This SOD-DGD revision provides more flexibility for libraries regarding the disposition of materials when the library is relinquishing its depository designation. At the same time, it provides Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) an essential opportunity to play an active role in the strategic disposition of depository materials in support of the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information.

This Superintendent of Documents Public Policy Statement, Regional Depository Libraries Online Selections, is effective August 31, 2021. Its purpose is to provide regional depository libraries with options and more flexibilities in collection management, by allowing them to select only the online version of selected titles, without having to select a tangible version.