As GPO moves to a digital Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), GPO will reduce tangible distribution to Federal depository libraries (FDLs). The number of titles and copies available for print distribution will decrease as GPO works to deliver permanent no-fee public access to digital content for people seeking U.S. Government information. This limited print distribution model acknowledges the different print needs and requirements of the National Collection Service Areas (NCSAs). Cost savings on printing, postage, and processing will allow GPO’s Library Services & Content Management (LSCM) to increase investment in digital content management initiatives that serve FDLs and patrons’ Government information needs.
Print Distribution Titles List (PDT)
The Print Distribution Titles List (PDT) consists of titles that will continue to be distributed in paper-format. The quantity of copies available fall into three categories:
- Unlimited distribution titles will be distributed at current selection quantities and include the U.S. Code, Statutes at Large, U.S. Reports, Constitution of the United States (Analysis & Interpretation, including supplements), House and Senate Journals, Bound Congressional Record Index, Statutes at Large, and U.S. Reports.
- 20-copy titles include Serial (both the bound version and related individual House and Senate Reports and Documents), Bound Congressional Record, Senate Executive Journal, and select maps.
- 50-copy titles include all other titles on the PDT list.
The PDT List is not static and may change over time. An example of this is if a publishing Federal agency discontinues a title or determines a title is only to be available as a digital publication.
Special Selection Offers (SSOs)
In 2023, LSCM began to actively transition towards a digital FDLP and eliminated item number-based tangible distribution of many titles. Under the NCSA framework, SSOs were expanded to provide libraries with the opportunity to receive publications with an inherent value in tangible format. Possible characteristics for SSO titles include:
Publications received through the SSO process become part of the library’s depository collection. The access and retention requirements applied are the same as those for other tangible materials distributed to depository libraries. Note that the bibliographic records for SSOs will not have an item number.
SSOs will be announced in FDLP News Alerts. Each will contain a link to a form that must be used to request an SSO title. LSCM will ensure that least one copy of an SSO is sent to each of the NCSAs. Preservation Stewards for SSO titles will also receive a copy.
For more information on Special Selection Offers, see the SSO web page.
Library Print Allocations
The Superintendent of Documents released the first library allocations of the limited PDT List on February 2, 2024. As it was assumed would happen, there were changes in the allocations. Below are the allocations; each release supersedes the previous one.
- Library Allocations (07/01/2024)
- Library Allocations (02/02/2024)
A Limited Distribution PDT Dashboard that displays PDT selectors in a dashboard map is available.
Federal depository libraries receiving the limited allocations of PDT have confirmed and acknowledged the acceptance of retention requirements going forward for the tangible print distribution.
To be eligible to receive print, Federal depository libraries must meet these minimum requirements:
- Follow 44 U.S.C. § 1911 requirement to retain for the first five years, but also agree not to supersede or electronically substitute during that time.
- Commit to offer nationally in FDLP eXchange if weeding after the five-year retention commitment is met.
- Commit to catalog and make all print receipts discoverable via the library’s integrated library system (ILS) to support interlibrary loan or in-library access to the print format.
Limited Print Distribution & Preservation Stewards
With the implementation of the Limited Print Distribution Framework, LSCM is currently prioritizing Preservation Steward print retention agreements for titles found on the Print Distribution Titles List. Please contact LSCM via askGPO to discuss these important National Collection opportunities.
If you would like to volunteer your library to be a Preservation Steward for any title, SuDoc class, or subject area, please reach out to LSCM via askGPO. Select the category, ‘Other depository library question or issue.’
- May/June 2024 Digital FDLP Implementation Updates (July 10, 2024)
- GPO Appoints NCSA Steering Committee Members (March 25, 2024)
- Updates to the List of Classes and DSIMS Interface (March 22, 2024)
- Print Distribution Updates (February 22, 2024)
- Progress Update on Print Reduction for a Digital FDLP (January 31, 2024)
Related Resources
- Digital FDLP Implementation FAQs
- PDT Questionnaire Preview (For FDLs to indicate interest in receiving print titles - December 6, 2023)
- Determining Print Distribution Criteria: Questionnaire Responses (December 19, 2023)
- PDT Information Questionnaire Results (October 31, 2023)
- Letter from Superintendent of Documents: Reducing Titles & Copies for Tangible Distribution (August 17, 2023)
- Evolution of a Digital FDLP: A Transition Timeline (PDF document | Webpage)
- Evolution of a Digital FDLP: A Brief History
- Task Force on a Digital FDLP project page (archived)
Presentations & Meetings
- PDT Implementation & Preservation Steward Updates (Spring 2024 DLC Virtual Meeting, May 2024)
- State of the FDLP (Spring 2024 DLC Virtual Meeting, May 2024)
- Digital Depository: FDL Operations Insights Panel/Digital FDLP Stewardship (Spring 2024 DLC Virtual Meeting, May 2024)
- NCSA Collaborative Collection Development Meetings (November 2023)
- New FDLP Print Distribution Framework (preparatory handout for NCSA November Meetings)
- Digital FDLP Community Conversation (Fall 2023 Federal Depository Library Conference, October 2023)
- Open Discussion with Council: Transition to a Digital FDLP (Fall 2023 Federal Depository Library Conference, October 2023)
- Implementation of a Digital FDLP: NCSA Virtual Meetings (September 2023)
- Presentation to Regionals and Preservation Stewards on Print Reduction (September 2023)
- GPO Superintendent of Documents Talks Digital FDLP (June 2023)
- NCSA Meetings (February 2022)