
The Constitution and a Cuppa Joe

Iowa City brews some excellent coffee in several independently-owned coffee houses. I frequent them all and have a favorite at each. Some coffee shops brew by the cup; one has two lines: one for coffee and the other for gelato—a genius combination. Each assigns enticing names for their coffees and uses creative ways to designate which brew station will produce your cup of Joe. This is where my idea began for merging the "think drink" daily ritual with Constitution Day. ...

Sample Using UAT1

sample information so we can see it on front end. Sample 123 This is another sample UAT ...

2022 Poster Presentation

Download the Virtual Poster Gallery Profiles handout. Another Collection’s Treasure: Collecting Government Documents and Government issued Materials in Special Collections Susan Martin, Chair, Collection Development and Management, Middl...

2021 Virtual Poster Presentation

Download the Virtual Poster Gallery Profiles handout. U.S. Congressional Serial Set govinfo Collection Suzanne Ebanues, Government Publishing Office, Projects and Systems, Supervisory Management Analyst, [email protected] The U.S....

2020 Virtual Poster Presentations

Gov Docs 101 Webinar Series Overview Kathy Carmichael, Government Publishing Office, Federal Depository Support Services, Outreach Librarian, [email protected] Gov Docs 101 is a new FDLP Academy ongoing webinar series, introduced in early 2020. The series pr...

FDLP Basic Collection

Every Federal depository library is required to have the titles in the "basic collection" accessible for immediate use. These titles are vital sources of information that support the public's right to know about the workings and essential activities of the Federal Government. This list is subject to change. Consult the guidance article on Depository Collection and Development for more information and ways to provide access to these titles within your deposit...