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Another Collection’s Treasure: Collecting Government Documents and Government issued Materials in Special Collections
Susan Martin, Chair, Collection Development and Management, Middle Tennessee State University James E. Walker Library, [email protected]
Started in 2020, the James E. Walker Library's Distilling, Fermenting, and Brewing Collection supports teaching and research into all aspects of the production and consumption of alcoholic beverage with a focus on Tennessee. This poster will cover our overall collection strategy to obtain Government materials, as well as our process of using FDLP offer lists to locate and obtain print documents not owned or not owned in print as part of our depository collection.
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Displays as a Digital Depository: Constitution Day Display 2022
Kelly Bilz, Reference & Government Documents Librarian, Thomas More University Benedictine Library, [email protected]
Displays are a common—and enjoyable!—tool for engaging with patrons and promoting the library’s Government documents collection; however, digital depositories face the obstacle of not having physical materials to display. This poster describes the process of developing a Constitution Day exhibit to fill a display case as a digital depository with only electronic selections, with a focus on the opportunities available to create an engaging display. Lessons learned and takeaways that are also relevant for depository libraries with physical documents are included.
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FDLP Academic Library Websites
DeAnn Isenhower, Cataloging and Technical Services Librarian, Missouri Southern State University, George A. Spiva Library, [email protected]
The poster reports the results of a research study which evaluated website content of academic libraries participating as selective depositories in the FDLP. The Legal Requirements and Program Regulations of the Federal Depository Library Program (2018) was used to examine legal compliance of 140 library websites selected on October 27, 2021 from the Federal Depository Library Directory (FDLD). The websites were also evaluated for accessibility to electronic government information.
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Make a List and Stick to It: Large-Scale Bibliographic Record Remediation
Faye Mazzia, Electronic Resources Cataloger Librarian, University of Central Florida John C. Hitt Library, [email protected]
The University of Central Florida (UCF) Libraries migrated from the integrated library system Aleph to Alma in 2021, and as a result, Government document bibliographic records were compromised. Electronic holdings converted to physical holdings, rendering them inaccessible; and the 856 URL fields were wiped from MARC records. This affected approximately 190,000 electronic Government document records. Compounding this, there was no regular practice of updating bibliographic records once loaded to the catalog. The poster will detail this large-scale bibliographic record remediation project and the Z39.50 querying method. This method may be used for any bibliographic record remediation project and requires OCLC Connexion and MARCEdit.
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Finding Reports from the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
Linda Musser, Head of the Fletcher L. Byrom Earth and Mineral Sciences Library, Pennsylvania State University, Paterno Library, University Park, PA, [email protected]
The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) operated a library program in parallel to the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) from 1946 to 1974. Select libraries across the U.S. received technical reports in print or microformat and were tasked with making these reports available to the public. While there is some overlap in the AEC material issued by these two programs, most of the material (thousands of titles) were unique to the AEC program. Like many technical report and document collections, items in these collections were not cataloged by the receiving libraries and remain mostly hidden today. This poster will provide an overview of the AEC library program, samples of materials distributed, introduce indexes to these materials, and describe a program to catalog materials distributed by the AEC library program.
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The Many Uses of Government Documents
Sydnie Tallman, Technical Services Librarian, Montana Supreme Court, State Law Library of Montana, [email protected]
Law libraries can sometimes be so caught up in the day-to-day bustle of serving our regular patrons that we can forget the ones that we never even thought about: our schools. Our Government documents are a great firsthand resource that many teachers do not know about. In this poster presentation, I discuss some of our more general resources and activities that teachers/librarians can use in the classroom. Programs like this are an excellent method for law libraries to reach out and build new relationships within their communities.
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Southern Oregon Digital Archives (SODA) Bioregion Collection
Holly Gabriel, Open Access and Government Information Librarian, Southern Oregon University Lenn & Dixie Hannon Library, [email protected]
Nomi Sifton, Government Information & OER Specialist, Southern Oregon University Lenn & Dixie Hannon Library, [email protected]
This poster highlights Southern Oregon University’s Bioregion Collection, which is an online collection of Federal and state resources that cover environmental aspects of the Southern Oregon and Northern California area. Hannon Library has been collecting materials for over 30 years to highlight this unique region. We add materials sent from the FDLP and the Oregon State Library. We also make special efforts to collect “gray” documents, which are materials not normally distributed through these channels. The purpose of the Bioregion Collection is to share and preserve this information for the general public and to support researchers and students at Southern Oregon University.
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GPO Pursues CoreTrustSeal Certification
Jessica Tieman, Digital Preservation Librarian, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]
As the only institution in the world with an ISO 16363:2012-certified repository, the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) now sets forth to pursue assessment under CoreTrustSeal to supplement its internationally recognized certification. While ISO 16363:2012 is still recognized as the “gold standard” for digital preservation repository certification, GPO believes additional assessment will serve to mitigate risks related to the lag in digital preservation community adoption of formal certification and potential future unavailability of ISO 16919:2014 accredited certification bodies to administer audits.
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LSCM Pilot Projects
Kristina Bobe, Senior Management and Program Analyst, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]
Kathy Carmichael, Outreach Librarian, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]
Todd Scudiere, Technical Services Librarian, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]
What are the LSCM Pilot Projects? This poster presents information on the Pilot Projects Initiative, including the first two pilot projects underway. Learn more about the process and where you can go for additional information.
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Policy Commons for Government Publications
Policy Commons for Government Publications Suzanne Reinman, Library Professor, Documents Librarian, Oklahoma State University Edmon Low Library [email protected]
Policy Commons is the largest directory of worldwide policy organizations with 3.4 million publications in full-text from 24,560 organizations including nonpartisan think tanks, IGOs and NGOs, and select Government agencies. It includes policy reports, working papers, press releases, data sets, and content from organizations that have disappeared or are inactive, including the EPA Archive. Policy Commons is updated continually.
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2021 Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries
Kate Pitcher, Chief of Federal Depository Support Services, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]
Lara Flint, Administrative Librarian, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]
David Isaak, User Support Librarian, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]
Helen Keremedjiev, User Support Librarian, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]
Donald Sensabaugh, User Support Librarian, U.S. Government Publishing Office, [email protected]
The 2021 Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries took place from January to March 2022. 1,065 depository libraries answered the survey, and we are now examining the results to evaluate trends and current issues. LSCM uses Biennial Survey data to improve the services we provide to members of the Federal Depository Library Program. This poster features highlights of the data collected during the 2021 survey.
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Incorporating Government Information into Community Profile/Site Selection Workshops
Thomas Tedd Rohrig, Associate Librarian for Aerospace Studies, Government Information, Maps, Military Science, Patents & Trademarks, and Political Science, Texas Tech University Library, [email protected]
This poster outlines the process of 5 librarians at Texas Tech to update a Community Profile/Site Selection Workshop. The poster will describe the process of developing the workshop incorporating, local, state, and Federal Government information with other resources to develop this Workshop. The poster will also highlight a major impetus for this revised workshop, were two Architecture Library Libguides - Researching Lubbock and Building Community Profiles.
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Opening Pandora's Box: Assessing a Government Document Collection
Holly Peterson, Graduate Assistant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Government Information, [email protected]
Loida Pan, Graduate Assistant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Government Information, [email protected]
Uyen Tu Nguyen, Graduate Assistant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Government Information, [email protected]
Sanga Sung, Government Information Librarian, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Government Information, [email protected]
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library has been a United States Federal Depository Library since 1884. The library’s federal depository holdings include over one million items in various media format, such as e-resources, paper documents, and even floppy disks. As a collaboration between members of the Government Information Team and several other units and stakeholders in the library, we developed this project, which aims to assess our large federal government information holdings at the University Library. With this project, we aim to support the research, teaching and learning needs of the university community and the service mission to the public population. This poster outlines our work on the project so far; due to the project’s scope, we are currently continuing with the assessment process as well as outreach/discoverability projects.
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Getting in on the Library Poster Presentation Bandwagon: Creating Posters for Constitution Day
Samantha Bustillos, Library Assistant, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley, University Library, [email protected]
Raquel Estrada, Acquisition and Collection Development Librarian, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley, University Library, [email protected]
With the success of the virtual poster displays created by the library typically aligning with national themes and celebrations, we decided to create a virtual poster display for Constitution Day. Our Constitution Day posters cover a variety of formats as well as subjects including the ideologies of U.S. founding fathers, women in the American Revolution, constitutional ratifications over time, and implications of constitutional law on minorities. As a Hispanic Serving Institution, we created a slide to highlight and celebrate the first Hispanic U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor. The virtual posters are a new tool to promote library resources, including government documents, during Constitution Day. They provide a new avenue to engage our students and community members and can easily be printed and displayed in the library. By uploading the posters to our Institutional Repository (ScholarWorks) we have had the opportunity to reach a wider audience. We have seen downloads from several U.S. states as well as the following countries United Arab Emirates, Brazil, and Finland.
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Farm to Gov Docs: Cross Campus Collaboration for Earth Day Celebration
Larry Eames, Instruction Librarian, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Kraemer Family Library, [email protected]
Julia Bullock, Acquisitions & Cataloging, Library Tech II, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Kraemer Family Library, [email protected]
Wendy Kisicki, Serials & Library Technician II, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Kraemer Family Library, [email protected]
Lynn Gates, Director of Cataloging & Metadata Services, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Kraemer Family Library, [email protected]
The UCCS Library’s Government Documents team’s Spring 2022 programming celebrated this year’s Earth Day theme: “Invest in Our Planet.” In this project, we built a cross-campus partnership to highlight the thriving sustainability work of the University, in particular the Government documents unit, and all the ways the red, white, and blue can be very green.
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Docs for Digital Humanities: An Example That Could Launch New Possibilities
Laura Baker, User Experience and Assessment Librarian, Abilene Christian University Brown Library, [email protected]
As part of a class on Europe after WWI, the library helped create an interactive assignment in which students looked at geographic and political changes in European countries as a key to understanding the effects of WWI. Based on Government publications, students created and annotated digital maps to show how the Treaty of Versailles redrew country boundaries and changed governmental alliances. The library’s Government documents collection made the assignment possible. We describe the project, the outcomes it produced, and most importantly, what it suggests about a burgeoning role for govdocs that could cast the collection in a new light.
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Cataloging Toolboxes for U.S. Federal, State & Local, & International Government Documents from the GODORT (Government Documents Round Table) Cataloging Committee
Andie Craley, Manager for Technical Services & Government Documents Librarian, Harford Community College Library, [email protected]
These three specialized cataloging toolboxes were created by members for the GODORT (Government Document Round Table) Cataloging Committee Working Group. They lists resources for cataloging and processing U.S. Federal, State & Local, and International government information. These tools are particularly helpful in understanding materials distributed through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) which is administered by the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO), distributed through individual state documents depository programs, and resources that support and promote understanding of technical services for materials from international intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). These resources are useful for both new and experienced library staff who catalog and process Government documents in these three areas or want to understand GPO bibliographic records. Reference sources for cataloging, authority work, classification, and subject/genre analysis are included.
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