Spring DLC Meeting - Kansas City, MO


PowerPoint presentation and Handout from Suzanne Ebanues, Senior Planning and Development Specialist, Office of Library Planning and Development, GPO; Mark Sandler, Director, Center for Library Initiatives, Committee on Institutional Cooperation; and Katrina Stierholz, Director of Library and Research Information, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Power Point presentation and Handout by Kathy Brazee, Librarian, Education and Outreach, GPO; Denise M. Davis, Director, Office for Research and Statistics, American Library Association; and Gwen Sinclair, Librarian, Government Documents Maps, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library.
PowerPoint presentation and Techline Handout for March 2008: GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys) update and information from Mike Wash, Selene Dalecky, and Kerry Gibb on the Federal Digital System (FDsys).
Power Point presentation and Handout by Kathy Brazee, Librarian, Education and Outreach, GPO; Denise M. Davis, Director, Office for Research and Statistics, American Library Association; and Gwen Sinclair, Librarian, Government Documents & Maps, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library.
Council Plenary Session led by Cynthia Etkin, Senior Program Planning Specialist, Office of the Superintendent of Documents, GPO; Denise Stephens, Vice Provost for Information Services/ CIO University of Kansas; and Tim Byrne, Information International Associates, Inc, DOE/Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
PowerPoint presentation and Handout from Laurie Hall, Director, Library Technical Information Services, GPO; Robin Haun-Mohamed, Director, Collection Management and Preservation, GPO; and Suzanne Ebanues, Senior Planning and Development Specialist, Office of Library Planning and Development, GPO.