Closed Requests for Comments

The Superintendent of Documents received comments from the depository library community, interested stakeholders, and the broader general public on the following:

TOPIC: Revised Superintendent of Documents policy on withdrawal of content (Draft)
PROPOSAL:  Withdrawal of Federal information products from the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information and GPO’s online U.S. Government Bookstore
SUPERSEDES: Withdrawal of Federal Information Products from GPO’s Superintendent of Documents Programs (SOD110, effective 07/18/2011)
COMMENTS:  Comment Period Closed
DEADLINE: December 22, 2023
NOTICE:  News Alert: Request for Comments: SOD Policy on Withdrawal of Content (11/17/2023)
REVISED POLICY: Withdrawal of Federal information products from the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information and GPO’s online U.S. Government Bookstore

TOPIC: Task Force on a Digital FDLP
PROPOSAL: Draft Report of the Task Force on a Digital Federal Depository Library Program
COMMENTS: Comment Period Closed
DEADLINE: October 14, 2022
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Task Force on a Digital FDLP project page on
NOTICE: Task Force on a Digital FDLP: Draft Report Available for Public Comment (September 14, 2022)
NOTICE: Request for Feedback To Assist the Task Force on a Digital Federal Depository Library Program (87 FR 58349, 09/26/2022)

TOPIC: Draft Revision of Superintendent of Documents Public Policy Statement: Government Publications Authorized for Discard by Regional Depository Libraries (SOD-PPS-2020-1)
PROPOSAL: Government Publications Authorized for Discard by Regional Depository Libraries
COMMENTS: Comment Period Closed
DEADLINE: October 8, 2022
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Regional Discard Policy webpage on
NOTICE: Request for Comments: Regional Discard Policy Proposed Revision (September 1, 2022)
REVISED POLICY Government Publications Authorized for Discard by Regional Depository Libraries (SOD-PPS-2022-2) (November 15, 2022)

TOPIC: Draft Revision of Superintendent of Documents Public Policy Statement (SOD-PPS-2021-1): Regional Depository Libraries Online Selections
PROPOSAL: Regional Depository Libraries Selecting Solely Online Materials
COMMENTS: Comment Period Closed
DEADLINE: September 9, 2022
FOR MORE INFORMATION: National Collection Service Areas webpage on
NOTICE: Request for Comments: Revised Regional Depository Library Online Selections Policy (08/09/2022)

TOPIC: National Collection Strategic Plan
PROPOSALDraft National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information Strategic Plan for FY 2023 – FY 2027
COMMENTS: Comment Period Closed
DEADLINE: Thursday, July 28, 2022
FOR MORE INFORMATION:  National Collection webpage on
NOTICERequest for Comments: National Collection Strategic Plan (June 27, 2022)

REVISED PLAN: National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information Strategic Plan for FY 2023 – FY 2027 (Final: September 1, 2022)

TOPIC: Superintendent of Documents Depository Guidance Document: Federal Depository Libraries Relinquishing Their Designation, a Strategic Disposition of Depository Materials in Support of the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information (proposed revision)
PROPOSALFederal Depository Libraries Relinquishing Their Designation (Draft SOD-DGD-1-202X)
COMMENTS: Comment Period Closed
DEADLINE: June 25, 2021
NOTICERequest for Comments: Federal Depository Libraries Relinquishing Their Designation (May 11, 2021)
NOTICERequest for Comments by June 25: FDLs Relinquishing Their Designation (June 15, 2021)
COMMENTS RECEIVEDFeedback: Disposition of Materials for FDLs Relinquishing Depository Designation (August 18, 2021)

TOPIC: Draft Superintendent of Documents Public Policy Statement: Regional Depository Libraries Online Selections (SOD-PPS-202X-X)
PROPOSAL: Regional Depository Libraries Online Selections 
COMMENTS: Comment Period Closed
DEADLINE: May 16, 2021
FOR MORE INFORMATIONRegional Online Selections Policy webpage on
NOTICERequest for Comments: Regional Depository Library Online Selections Draft Policy (March 30, 2021)
NOTICERequest for Comments by May 16: Regional Online Selections Draft Policy (May 12, 2021)
COMMENTS RECEIVEDRegional Depository Libraries Online Selections Draft Policy Public Comments (August 26, 2021)

TOPIC: Legislative Revisions to Title 44 U.S.C., Chapter 19: Depository Library Program
PROPOSALLegislative Proposals of the Government Publishing Office (July 2020)
COMMENTS: Comment Period Closed
DEADLINE: March 5, 2021 Extended to March 21, 2021
FOR MORE INFORMATIONLegislative Revisions on
NOTICESeeking Feedback: GPO’s Legislative Proposals for FDLP (January 28, 2021)
NOTICEFDLP Legislative Proposals: Feedback Deadline Extended (March 2, 2021)
COMMENTS RECEIVEDLegislative Proposals Feedback (July 26, 2021)
REVISION BASED ON COMMENTS: Government Publishing Office Legislative Proposals for Chapter 19 (February 28, 2022)

Open Requests for Comments