This section covers publications that receive special treatment by way of a word, an abbreviation, or other descriptive text that may be added to the end of the classification number. See Additions to Book Numbers for more general information about words and abbreviations in the suffix.
In many cases, a catalog record will already include references to the publication type in the title or other field and will describe a document as a correction, errata, preliminary report, or other type of publication. This may affect whether the classification number includes the publication type, or whether it is even necessary or advisable to add the type to the number. The following guidelines are designed to assist in assigning the most useful classification number.
For guidance on publication types such as supplements, indexes, or special issues of serials, see the article on Continuing Resources.
A corrected copy of a whole publication is given the class of the original publication with /CORR. added at the end:
Y 1.1/5:113-200/CORR. | Keystone XL pipeline: Report (to accompany S. 2554) |
Additional corrections to the same publication take the format /CORR.-2, /CORR.-3, and so on.
Classification of errata sheets for publications depends on how they were issued by the agency or received by GPO.
- A separately issued errata sheet is classified the same as the parent document with the addition of /ERRATA.
- Loose errata sheets contained in a publication at time of receipt should be classified as a separate document with the addition of /ERRATA.
- An errata sheet that is a bound page in a document requires no action.
- A separately issued errata whose parent publication has not been received should not be classified.
Preliminary, Initial, Draft, and Final Reports
When classifying a preliminary, initial, draft, or final report add /PRELIM., /INITIAL, /DRAFT, or /FINAL at the end of the class:
TD 1.112/5:M 56/PRELIM. | Preliminary Report Railroad DCA15FR004 |
A 13.105/2:R 5-MB-296/DRAFT | Draft Revised Land Management Plan for the Sequoia National Forest |
I 49.44/3-3:B 54/3/FINAL/ | Final comprehensive conservation plan and environmental impact statement, National Bison Range, Montana |
Use these additions to the SuDocs number even when not necessary to establish a unique number.
In past GPO practice, in some classes, separate stems were created for draft and final reports.
A 13.92: | Final Environmental Impact Statements and Related Materials (Forest Service) |
A 13.92/2: | Draft Environmental Impact Statements and Related Materials (Forest Service) |
Even in these cases, add /DRAFT or /FINAL to the end of the class.
A 13.92: B 38/4/FINAL | Final environmental impact statement, Beartooth travel management |
In current practice, GPO prefers to use the same stem for draft and final editions.
A reprint is a new printing of an item made from the original type image. The printing may reproduce the original exactly or may contain slight variations, such as changes in names of officials or date of printing. The changes are often inconsequential and are not major revisions to the text or content of the document. If there are questions, contact the agency to confirm it is a reprint.
In most cases, reprints are not classified if the original has already been classified. However, if the original has not been received in the FDLP or Cataloging & Indexing but a reprint has, the latter will be classed. Add a /YEAR to known reprints, e.g. /2017. Reprints from non-Government publications issued by Government agencies are classified in the general publications or other appropriate classes and are not treated as separates.
Preprints and Separates
A preprint is a portion of a publication issued in advance of the completed publication. A separate is a reprint of an individual article from a Government publication. Classes for preprints are limited to U.S. Government publications. Preprints of Federal publications that are within the FDLP scope will generally not be cataloged when a final version is available for free public access on a Federal Government website or distributed in print. If a preprint is the only version freely publicly accessible, the publication will be cataloged and classified using the general classification guidelines for Federal publications. Do not add /PREPRINT to the end of the class.
E 9.17:NREL/CP-5 D 00-62815 |
There are exceptions to the general rule that preprints and separates available in final and/or compiled versions will not be cataloged and classified. In these cases the class number for the preprint or separate is attached to the class of the parent publication by use of a slash and a letter.
The daily Congressional record is treated as a preprint of the bound edition for classification purposes.
Summaries and Executive Summaries
Summaries of various kinds, executive or otherwise, for monographic publications are classified by adding an appropriate abbreviation such as /SUM. or /EXEC.SUM. at the end of the class. However, if the entire publication including the summary is classified and cataloged, then a separately issued identical summary is not cataloged.
NF 2.2:AR 7/19/EXEC.SUM. | Artists in the workforce, 1990-2005 : executive summary |
If a summary is connected by numbering to a serial, such as no. 13 of a monthly, or no. 5 of a quarterly, etc., then assign it the same classification number as the serial, and treat it as part of the serial.
Electronic Products
Electronic Products is a general category class established under some agencies as needed. Compact discs (CDs, CD-ROMs), digital video discs (DVDs, DVD-ROMs), and accompanying printed technical documentation are classed here. Add a slash and a designation to show the format of materials. The designations are /CD for a compact disc and /DVD for a digital video disc.
HE 1.60: | Electronic Products (Health and Human Services Department) |
HE 1.60:B 87/DVD | Stop bullying now! |
Add a slash and a designation to show the format of related materials in classes that contain a variety of materials and titles. The designations are /CD for a CD-ROM and /DVD for a digital video disc.
Sets with Multiple Publication Types
Publications with a common title that make up a set may consist of different types of material, such as a report with an accompanying map and a supplemental DVD. Another set with a common title but no volume numbers may include a bibliography, a manual, a report, and a chart.
In these cases, decide which publication is the main publication, and classify it in the appropriate class. Assign the class for the main publication to the other publications, adding a slash and a word or standard abbreviation for the other publication types at the end of the class.
In any kit, toolkit, packet, or package, use /KIT or /TOOLKIT for a variety of types of materials, and use /PACKET or /PACKAGE for a collection of items that are predominantly paper.
HE 20.7002:T 79/14/2013/KIT | Mantoux tuberculin skin test |
HE 20.7002:H 64/4/PACKAGE | Prevention is care: materials for HIV providers, HIV care is built on small talks |
If the publications have similar titles but are not issued as a set, classify the publications separately, each in its appropriate class.
In the case of a report accompanied by a map, classify the report in its appropriate class. Use the same number as assigned to the report for the map and add /MAP at the end of the class. Do not classify a map in a Maps class if it is part of a set, or is to be used with another publication. See the section on Cartographic Resources for more information.