2012 Interagency Depository Seminar


Presented by Kimberly Brown, TiAnna May, and training specialists at the U.S. Census Bureau. Topics include: a survey of website tools; geographic entities and concepts; an overview of the economic census and economic programs; presentations and sample exercises for the economic census and economic programs; the features of American FactFinder and how to use it; and the American Community Survey, with local, state, regional, and national population characteristics at your fingertips.
Presented by Kelly Seifert and Heidi Ramos, these handouts present an introduction to searching GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys) and advanced navigation that includes tracking legislation and tracking regulations.
Presented by Katrina Stierholz, this PowerPoint explains the basic structure of the Federal Reserve System; presents data on FRED with practice on using the data; provides an overview of Page One Economics; and explores the FRASER digital library and archive.
Presented by Tom Turner, Neil Massong, and Daphne Joseph, these PowerPoints provide an overview of patents, trademarks, and copyrights and trade secrets; an overview of the Patent and Trademark Resource Center Program (PTRC); and using the USPTO Website to answer commonly asked patent and trademark questions.