Fall DLC Meeting - Arlington, VA
Agenda for the 2002 Fall Federal Depository Library Conference and Depository Library Council Meeting, October 20-23, 2002, Arlington, VA.
Describes features of GPO Web site for kids (K-12).T.C. Evans, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Handout that describes the staffing, operations, and new initiatives of GPO's Cataloging Branch. Thomas A. Downing, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Lists functions and products of the Cataloging Distribution Service. Kathryn Mendenhall, Cataloging Distribution Service.
Handout providing history and description of Cataloging Integrating Resources (bibliographic items that change over time). Rebecca Culbertson, University of California, San Diego.
Slide show that lists and describes Census Bureau web sites and information products. Andrea Sevetson, U.S. Census Bureau.
Handout that presents considerations and strategies in undertaking depository promotion efforts. Stephen M. Hayes, University of Notre Dame.
Slide show that describes the experience of developing and operating an online reference service.
Slide show that describes adding records for older online documents to a university OPAC. Christopher C. Brown, University of Denver.
Describes a library management system that provides web-based data warehousing and data mining capabilities for U.S. government documents. Nan Myers, Wichita State University.
Lists AALL competencies of law librarianship relating to electronic information.Timothy L. Coggins, University of Richmond School of Law.
Lists online resources relating to government information products, including library processing resources. Amy West, University of Minnesota; Sherry DeDecker, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Handout that describes electronic reference services at a university library. Gayle R. Christian, Georgia State University and M. Elaine Hughes, Georgia State University.
Describes operations and services of the Education Publications Center.Judy A. Craig, U.S. Department of Education.
Slide show that describes an online reference service on the Everglades. Gail Clement,Sherry Mosley and Megan Waters, Florida International University Libraries.
Presents online sites for kids (K-12) focusing on those not found on Ben's Guide or FirstGov for Kids. Includes some non-government sites. Jim Veatch, LibraryHQ.
Outlines characteristics of the Federal Consumer Information Center’s web site for children aged 5-13. Mary Goetzinger, Federal Consumer Information Center.
Describes a departmental reorganization and technical systems overhaul at a university depository library, with emphasis on CD and DVD collections and services. Karen Nordgren, Emporia State University.
Describes a departmental reorganization and technical systems overhaul at a university depository library, with emphasis on CD and DVD collections and services. Karen Nordgren, Emporia State University.
Provides overview of production, collection & dissemination of scientific and technical information. Discusses evolving systems for dealing with digital information generally and in particular at DOE. Walter Warnick, DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
Explores issues and outlines processes of setting up a peer-tutoring program for library research. Susan Deese-Roberts and Kathleen Keating, University of New Mexico.
Provides history of university and public libraries in San Jose - Includes bibliographies on merging libraries and merging reference with government documents departments. Susan Kendall, San Jose State University Library.
Slide show that describes the mission and information products of NASS, including the 2002 Census of Agriculture. Rich Allen, National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Slide show that describes the Social Security web site, including content, services, and new features. Margy LaFond, Social Security Administration.
Slide show that describes GPO's depository library promotion efforts. Outlines activities and resources of current promotional campaign. James Cameron, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Discusses technical considerations in setting up public access workstations for CD-ROMs. Robert McLaird and Coleen Parmer, Bowling Green State University Libraries; Amy West, University of Minnesota Government Publications Library.
Handout that describes the Subject bibliography of government sources for genealogical research. Carole Callard, Library of Michigan.
Annotated bibliography of government sources for genealogical research. Gay E. Carter, University of Houston - Clear Lake.
Presents selected government web sites suitable for use by teachers. Barbie Selby, University of Virginia Law School.
Slide show that describes Science.gov:FirstGov for Science addressing the history, goals, and features of the broad-based inter-agency science web site. Gail Hodge, CENDI Secretariat/IIA.
Presents the process for developing librarian competency standards and results in New Jersey. Includes list of Web sites for librarian competencies. Janie L. Hassard Hermann, Princeton Public Library, Princeton, NJ.
Presents the process for developing librarian competency standards and results in New Jersey. Includes list of Web sites for librarian competencies. Janie L. Hassard Hermann, Princeton Public Library, Princeton, NJ.
Slide show that provides examples of rare government documents, with some descriptions and approximate values. Ann Marie Sanders, Library of Michigan.
Describes a large off-site storage facility at a regional library. Discusses selection, processing, and retrieval issues. Bill Sudduth, University of South Carolina.
Slide show that describes goals, products, and services of STAT-USA. Introduces new features, including free access to USA Trade Online by depository libraries. Forrest B. Williams, STAT-USA.