Fall DLC Meeting - Arlington, VA


Describes the efforts at Oklahoma State University and University of North Texas to locate, preserve, digitize and make freely available the maps of their respective states. John Phillips, Oklahoma State University and Mark Phillips, University of North Texas Libraries.
Describes the latest developments about accessing geospatial information and how to present the data in new and exciting ways. Marcy Bindney, Geospatial Information Librarian, Penn State University and Rob Dollison, United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Presents information for librarians that need to prepare for distaters and provides a list of Governement resources available to citizens after a disaster. This presentation is in both English and Spanish. Jane Canfield, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico.
Preseneted by James Jacobs, Green Library, Stanford University; Shari Laster, Bierce library, University of Akron; Justin Otto, John F. Kennedy Library, Eastern Washington University; Robin Haun-Mohamed, Director, Collection Management and Preservation, GPO; Laurie Hall, Director, Library Technical Information Services, GPO; David Walls, Preservation Librarian, Collection Management & Preservation, Library Services and Content Management, GPO; and Cathy Hartman, Associate Dean of Libraries, University of North Texas Libraries.
Presented by Selene Dalecky, Supervisory Program Planner; and Lisa LaPlant, Lead Program Planner, Program Management Office, Information Technology and Systems, GPO.
Presented by Janet Fisher, Division Director, Arizona State Library; Peggy Jobe, Associate Professor and Faculty Director, Government Publications Library, University Libraries, University of Colorado at Boulder; Christopher C. Brown, Reference Technology Integration Librarian, University of Denver; Jennie Gerke, Electronic Government Information Librarian, University of Colorado – Boulder; Pat Ragains, Business and Government Information Librarian, University of Nevada, Reno; Sandy Rizzo, Librarian III - Business and Government Information, Mesa (AZ) Public Library; Kerry Skinner, Acquisitions Librarian, Arizona State University; Victoria Trotta, Associate Dean for Information Technology, Arizona State University; and Brad Vogus, Head of Social Sciences and Government Information Services, Arizona State University Libraries.