Fall DLC Meeting - Arlington, VA
Presented by Marianne Ryan, Associate University Librarian for Public Services, Northwestern University Library; and Catherine Jervey Johnson, Director, Market Planning Legislative and Historical Services, LexisNexis Academic and Library Solutions.
Update on the events and actions surrounding the recall. Presented by Laurie Hall, Director, Library Technical Information Services, GPO.
Describes the efforts at Oklahoma State University and University of North Texas to locate, preserve, digitize and make freely available the maps of their respective states. John Phillips, Oklahoma State University and Mark Phillips, University of North Texas Libraries.
Describes the latest developments about accessing geospatial information and how to present the data in new and exciting ways. Marcy Bindney, Geospatial Information Librarian, Penn State University and Rob Dollison, United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Describes the latest developments and Agency updates about geospatial data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Richard Huffine, USGS National Library Coordinator.
Overview of products and services presented by Candy Parker, Instructor; and Christine Barrett, Technical Information Specialist, DTIC.
Presentation from a panel discussion about the reasons why it is important to have reliable and authentic Government documents available. Created by Stuart Basefsky, Senior Reference Librarian, Cornell University.
Presents information for librarians that need to prepare for distaters and provides a list of Governement resources available to citizens after a disaster. This presentation is in both English and Spanish. Jane Canfield, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico.
Preseneted by James Jacobs, Green Library, Stanford University; Shari Laster, Bierce library, University of Akron; Justin Otto, John F. Kennedy Library, Eastern Washington University; Robin Haun-Mohamed, Director, Collection Management and Preservation, GPO; Laurie Hall, Director, Library Technical Information Services, GPO; David Walls, Preservation Librarian, Collection Management & Preservation, Library Services and Content Management, GPO; and Cathy Hartman, Associate Dean of Libraries, University of North Texas Libraries.
Describes how the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) is piloting a project to create a region-wide collaborative depository program. Chelsea Dinsmore, University of Florida and Valarie Glenn, University of Alabama.
Presented by Laurie Hall, Director, Library Technical Information Services, GPO.
Handout from Cathy Hartman, Associate Dean of Libraries, University of North Texas Libraries.
Describes the CIC and how Northwestern University is participating in the common goal of enhancing access to depository library collections. Geoff Swindells, Northwestern University.
Flyer on how to participate and become an official digitization partner.
Presented by Christopher D. Weston, Attorney-Advisor, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Copyright Office.
Overview of Products and Services presented by Chris Weston, Attorney-Advisor, Office of the General Counsel; and John R. Poff, Supervisory Reference Specialist, U.S. Copyright Office.
Slides from the focus group that was conducted on October 18th with representatives from the FDLP, Cornell, OFR, and GPO to solicit feedback on the Open Government Initiative underway related to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Presented by Mary Freilich, Head, Government Publications, University of Memphis; and Kay Cunningham, Library Director, Christian Brothers University.
“Best practices” overview of DDM2, an online set of tools for managing federal depository collections. Presented by Nan Myers, Director of Public Services, Wichita State University.
Handout covering the recommendations pertaining to Access Preservation, Regional Issues, and FDsys.
Presented by Judy Russell, Dean of Libraries, University of Florida; Mary Prophet, Deputy Director, Head of Government Documents, Dennison University; and Geoff Swindells, Dept. Head, Government and Geographic Information and Data Services, Northwestern University.
Final at-a-glace schedule for the Fall 2010 DLC Meeting in Arlington, VA.
Presented by Linda Resler, Manager, Library Technical Services Support Section, GPO.
Presented by Selene Dalecky, Supervisory Program Planner; and Lisa LaPlant, Lead Program Planner, Program Management Office, Information Technology and Systems, GPO.
Presented by Barbie Selby, University of Virginia Library.
Presented by Tim Byrne, Senior Outreach Librarian, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
Final agenda for the Fall 2010 DLC Meeting in Arlington, VA.
Presented by Terri Long and Janet Freas.
Describes how to address logistical issues in keeping a microform collections and collaborative approaches in maintaining this type of collection. Julie Linden, Yale University and Valerie Glenn, Alabama Univeristy Libraries.
Handout covering the benefits of FDsys, affect on Federal Depository Libraries, branding, Web links, and learning about FDsys features and functionality.
Presented by Cynthia Etkin, Senior Program Planning Specialist, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Handout covering questions and answers about FDsys.
Presented by Christopher C. Brown, University of Denver, Penrose Library.
Presented by Dorothy Ormes, Government Documents & Maps Librarian, New Mexico State University.
Presentation by Laurie Hall regarding the progress of various projects being developed in Library Tecnical Information Services (LTIS).
Presented by Janet Fisher, Division Director, Arizona State Library; Peggy Jobe, Associate Professor and Faculty Director, Government Publications Library, University Libraries, University of Colorado at Boulder; Christopher C. Brown, Reference Technology Integration Librarian, University of Denver; Jennie Gerke, Electronic Government Information Librarian, University of Colorado – Boulder; Pat Ragains, Business and Government Information Librarian, University of Nevada, Reno; Sandy Rizzo, Librarian III - Business and Government Information, Mesa (AZ) Public Library; Kerry Skinner, Acquisitions Librarian, Arizona State University; Victoria Trotta, Associate Dean for Information Technology, Arizona State University; and Brad Vogus, Head of Social Sciences and Government Information Services, Arizona State University Libraries.
Presented by Liya Deng, Mercer University.
Current list of members showing terms of service.
Presented by Linda Resler, Manager, Library Technical Services Support Section, GPO.
Presented by Education & Outreach, Library Services & Content Management, GPO.
Presented by John A. Shuler, Richard J. Daily Library, University of Illinois, Chicago; and John Carlos Bertot, Director of the Center for Library & Information Innovation, iSchool, University of Maryland.
Presentation from discussion of how library programs can better prepare students for library careers where they must meet the demainds of Internet-related access and services. Presentation created by John Carlos Bertot, iSchool, University of Maryland.
List of current Regional Depository Librarians as of October, 2010.
Remarks from Ric Davis during the kick-off session of the Fall DLC Meeting.
Public Printer Robert C. Tapella's remarks during the kick-off session of the Fall DLC Meeting.
Presented by Mary Adams, Michelle McManus, and Lauren Strickland.
Flyer containing helpful resources for new librarians.
Shows an example of how one can use Government documents to solve a seemingly impossible mystery. Rebecca C. Hyde, University of California, San Diego.
Presented by David Walls, Preservation Librarian, Collection Management & Preservation, Library Services and Content Management; and Kate Zwaard, Lead Program Planner, Program Management Office, Information Technology Systems, GPO.
Presented by Robin Haun-Mohamed, Director, Collection Management and Preservation, GPO.
Describes the complexities of preserving and providing long-term access to digital geospatial data and highlights projects and collections of interest to the FDL community. Butch Lazorchak, Digital Archivist, Library of Congress.
Presented by Kelly Seifert, Office of the Director, Library Services & Content Management, GPO.
Presentation describing strategies for promoting Government information through increased awareness of one resource type. Presented by Carmen Orth-Alfie, University of Kansas Libraries.
Presented by John A. Stevenson, University of Delaware Library.
Presented by James Jacobs, Green Library, Stanford University.
Presented by Liya Deng, Government Information Librarian and Stan Trembach, Instructional Services Librarian; Mercer University.