Related Chapters/Sections
- Name Authorities: Works & Expressions: General
- Name Authorities: Works & Expressions: General: Name/Title Access Points
- Bibliographic Cataloging: Public and Private Laws
Chapter Scope
This chapter comprises general guidance that applies to all works for public laws in the Name Authority File.
Note on Past Practices
In the past, GPO has utilized a variety of practices in NARs for public laws. The instructions in this chapter supersede any differing past practices. Therefore, use caution in copying or deriving from existing records.
What to Establish in the Authority File
GPO Practice
- Establish public and private laws, known as slip laws, when cataloging these Congressional documents
- Establish public laws when needed for a subject or related work access point
- To browse the actual laws, go to the Public and Private Laws collection in GovInfo.
- To browse the NARs for laws in OCLC, browse LC Names & Subjects (authority file) in Titles for: public law [insert the number for the Congress that you wish to browse, e.g, 117]
This will put you into the browse index for public laws of the 117th Congress.
Authorized Access Points of Public Laws
- Apply
Preferred Titles of Public Laws
- Apply
- When cataloging a slip law, do not apply (b)
- At time of publication, no examples are available of GPO ever applying (d)
- This title will usually contain the word “act,” unless the law is a joint resolution
Citation Title vs. Formal Title
- See: Bibliographic Cataloging: Public and Private Laws: Public laws: “Public laws often have a citation (or short) title in addition to a formal title. The citation title is usually but not always found in Section I of a public law. Such titles will be identified by the phrase: This Act may be cited as the “…” (e.g. Public Law 113-3: An Act to Ensure the Complete and Timely Payment of the Obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for Other Purposes. SECTION I. SHORT TITLE: This Act may be cited as the “No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013.”).
Laws Containing Citation Titles
- Record the citation title as the preferred title in the 110 ǂt
- If there are two or more short titles, connected by the word “or,” select the first as the preferred title in the 110 ǂt, and the second as a variant title in the 410 ǂt
- The citation title usually appears aside Section 1, in the column underneath the date
010 no2009101445
1101 United States. ǂt Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009
4101 United States. ǂt Credit CARD Act of 2009
4101 United States. ǂt Act to Amend the Truth in Lending Act to Establish Fair and Transparent Practices Relating to the Extension of Credit under an Open End Consumer Credit Plan, and for Other Purposes
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 111-24
670 Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, 2009: ǂb 123 Stat. 1734 (An Act to Amend the Truth in Lending Act to Establish Fair and Transparent Practices Relating to the Extension of Credit under an Open End Consumer Credit Plan, and for Other Purposes; Public Law 111-24; May 22, 2009) citation title, 123 Stat. 1734 (Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 or the Credit CARD Act of 2009
- Record the formal title as a variant title in the 410 ǂt
- For the 670:
- Citation title:
- apply DCM Z1: 670: Recording names and titles: “if a source being cited contains an official short title or citation title, cite that title, preceded by the term "citation title" and its exact location.” Record the citation title in ǂb.
- Formal title:
- Record the formal title in ǂa if it is the title proper, or in ǂb if it is not. If recorded in ǂa, do not repeat it in ǂb.
- Alternative (available, but rarely followed at GPO): for long titles that are the title proper, record part of the formal title in ǂa followed by ellipses. Record the full formal title in ǂb. Include enough of the title proper in ǂa to provide a unique citation.
- Citation title:
- Formal title in 670 ǂa:
010 no2021054826
046 ǂk 2021-04-23 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Senate Shared Employee Act
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Act to Allow Senators, Senators-elect, Committees of the Senate, Leadership Offices, and Other Offices of the Senate to Share Employees, and for Other Purposes
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 117-10
670 An Act to Allow Senators, Senators-elect, Committees of the Senate, Leadership Offices, and Other Offices of the Senate to Share Employees, and for Other Purposes, 2021: ǂb citation title, 135 Stat. 259 (Senate Shared Employee Act) 135 Stat. 261 (Public Law 117-10; Approved April 23, 2021)
- Formal title in 670 ǂb:
010 no2015104228
046 ǂk 2015-07-20 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Veterans Identification Card Act of 2015
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Act to Amend Title 38, United States Code, to Direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Issue, upon Request, Veteran Identification Cards to Certain Veterans
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 114-31
670 Veterans Identification Card Act of 2015, 2015: ǂb 129 Stat. 428 (Public Law 114-31; An Act to Amend Title 38, United States Code, to Direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Issue, upon Request, Veteran Identification Cards to Certain Veterans) citation title, 129 Stat. 428 (Veterans Identification Card Act of 2015) 129 Stat. 430 (approved July 20, 2015)
Laws Not Containing Citation Titles
- Record the formal title as the preferred title in the 110 ǂt
- For the 670:
- Record the formal title in ǂa if it is the title proper, or in ǂb if it is not. If recorded in ǂa, do not repeat it in ǂb.
- Alternative (available, but rarely followed at GPO): for long titles that are the title proper, record part of the formal title in ǂa followed by ellipses. Record the full formal title in ǂb. Include enough of the title proper in ǂa to provide a unique citation.
- Formal title is the title proper:
010 no2021043887
046 ǂk 2021-01-05 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Act to Amend the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act to Require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to Consider Certain Recognized Security Practices of Covered Entities and Business Associates when Making Certain Determinations, and for Other Purposes
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 116-321
670 An Act to Amend the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act to Require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to Consider Certain Recognized Security Practices of Covered Entities and Business Associates when Making Certain Determinations, and for Other Purposes, 2021: ǂb 134 Stat. 5073 (Public Law 116-321; approved January 5, 2021)
- Formal title is not the title proper: no examples found at time of publication.
- Follow A.18: Names of Documents
- GPO Practice: Capitalize both the formal and citation (or short) titles wherever these occur in the NAR. (Since neither A.18 nor the RDA glossary defines “formal or conventional name,” GPO must interpret A.18.)
010 no2021041001
046 ǂk 2021-03-23 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Act to Make a Technical Correction to the ALS Disability Insurance Access Act of 2019
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 117-3
670 An Act to Make a Technical Correction to the ALS Disability Insurance Access Act of 2019, 2021: ǂb 135 Stat. 246 (Public Law 117-3; approved March 23, 2021)
010 no2009101445
046 ǂk 2009-05-22 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Credit CARD Act of 2009
4101 United States. ǂt Act to Amend the Truth in Lending Act to Establish Fair and Transparent Practices Relating to the Extension of Credit under an Open End Consumer Credit Plan, and for Other Purposes
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 111-24
670 Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, 2009: ǂb 123 Stat. 1734 (An Act to Amend the Truth in Lending Act to Establish Fair and Transparent Practices Relating to the Extension of Credit under an Open End Consumer Credit Plan, and for Other Purposes; Public Law 111-24; May 22, 2009) citation title, 123 Stat. 1734 (Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 or the Credit CARD Act of 2009)=
“Embedded” Laws
Embedded laws are sections (Titles, Subtitles, Divisions, etc.) of a law that are themselves laws. To be considered a law, it must have a citation, short, or formal title. This title will always contain the word “act.”
- Create or update NARs for embedded laws only in response to specific internal or external inquiries/requests. Otherwise, ignore them.
- Bibliographic cataloging: embedded laws are recorded in the bibliographic record for the comprehensive law, in a 500 “contains” field, and in an analytical 710 field containing the authorized access point for the embedded law.
See CGP 001063506
- See sections below: MARC: 110 and 410
- Multiple sections (Titles, Subtitles, Divisions, etc.):
- Part/section number:
- 410 $n: include all part/section numbers
- 670 $b: only the lowest part/section number needs to be justified
- Part/section title: record only the lowest title in fields 110 $t, 410 $p, and 670 $b; do not record titles of intermediate parts/sections
- Part/section number:
MARC Fields
046 – Special Coded Dates
- Record the date that the law was passed or “approved” in ǂk
046 ǂk 2021-03-24 ǂ2 edtf
670 … ǂb …135 Stat. 248 (approved March 24, 2021)
110 – Heading-Corporate Name
- Follow and:
- For public laws of the United States, record “United States” in ǂa
- Conflict: Conflicts are rare
- Follow GPO Practice: Only add dates when there is a conflict.
- GPO Practice: If adding the year of promulgation still results in a conflict, add the month and date in the same form as these are added to titles for treaties, per and
1101 United States. ǂt Joint Resolution Making Further Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2015, and for Other Purposes (2014 December 16)
- Consult Citation Title vs. Formal Title
- Laws Containing Citation Titles:
- Record the citation title in ǂt
- Follow instructions and examples in “Citation Title vs. Formal Title: Laws Containing Citation Titles”
- Laws Not Containing Citation Titles:
- Record the formal title in ǂt
- Follow instructions and examples in “Citation Title vs. Formal Title: Laws Not Containing Citation Titles”
- Embedded Laws (see “Embedded” Laws above):
- Apply all the instructions above
- Apply Ignore the title of the overall law; do not include it as a comprehensive title
- Do not include part/section numbers ($n)
380 – Form of Work
- GPO Practice: Use: Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
410 - See From Tracing-Corporate Name
- Consult and:
- For public laws of the United States, record “United States” in ǂa
- Conflict:
- If the variant access point conflicts with an existing access point, add a date qualifier to the variant access point only, according to the instructions under “Conflict” in 110 – Heading-Corporate Name. Follow the examples of breaking conflicts between variant access points (410 fields).
- Public Law number: always include a variant for the Public Law number.
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 117-4
- Consult Citation Title vs. Formal Title
- Laws Containing Citation Titles:
- Record the formal title in ǂt
- Record 410s for any other titles found in the resource cataloged, including citation titles not chosen for the preferred title
- Follow instructions and examples in “Citation vs. Formal Title: Laws Containing Citation Titles”
010 no2021041014
046 ǂk 2021-03-24 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Strengthening and Amplifying Vaccination Efforts to Locally Immunize All Veterans and Every Spouse Act
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Act to Authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Furnish COVID-19 Vaccines to Certain Individuals, and for Other Purposes
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 117-4
4101 United States. ǂt SAVE LIVES Act
670 An Act to Authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Furnish COVID-19 Vaccines to Certain Individuals, and for Other Purposes, 2021: ǂb 135 Stat. 247 (Public Law 117-4) citation title,135 Stat. 247 (Strengthening and Amplifying Vaccination Efforts to Locally Immunize All Veterans and Every Spouse Act or the SAVE LIVES Act) 135 Stat. 248 (approved March 24, 2021)
1101 United States. ǂt Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998
4101 United States. ǂt Act to Amend Title 5, United States Code, to Provide that Consideration May Not Be Denied to Preference Eligibles Applying for Certain Positions in the Competitive Service, and for Other Purposes
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 105-339
4101 United States. ǂt VEOA
670 United States. Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998, 1998: ǂb 112 Stat. 3182 (An Act to Amend Title 5, United States Code, to Provide that Consideration May Not Be Denied to Preference Eligibles Applying for Certain Positions in the Competitive Service, and for Other Purposes; Public Law 105-339, Oct. 31, 1998) citation title, 112 Stat. 3182 (Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998)
670 Veteran's employment redress laws in the federal civil service, 2014: ǂb letter of transmittal (Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998 (VEOA))
- Laws Not Containing Citation Titles:
- Record 410s for any other titles found in the resource cataloged
- Follow instructions and examples in “Citation vs. Formal Title: Laws Not Containing Citation Titles”
- Embedded Laws (see “Embedded” Laws above):
- Apply all the instructions above, unless superseded by an instruction below.
- GPO Practices:
- Include a minimum of two 410 fields:
- Public Law number:
- Follow the Public Law number of the comprehensive law with the Title, Subtitle, Division, etc. of the embedded law, in a single subfield ǂn, separated (if multiple sections) by commas. (GPO follows precedent rather than the $n section of MARC 21: X10 - Corporate Names-General Information.)
- ǂn: record the numerals as they appear on the source per
- Public Law number:
- Include a minimum of two 410 fields:
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 115-91. ǂn Title XII, Subtitle E
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 115-91. ǂn Title XVIII
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 112-10. ǂn Division C
- GPO is discontinuing the former practice of following ǂn (the part/section number) with ǂp (the part/section title).
- Exception: if the title of the section (Title, Subtitle, Division, etc.) of the embedded law is different from the citation, short, or formal title of the embedded law, add that section title in subfield ǂp following ǂn.

010 no2010184761
046 ǂk 2010-10-08 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2010
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 111-266. ǂn Title II, ǂp Authority to Transfer Naval Vessels
4101 United States. ǂt Security Cooperation Act of 2010. ǂp Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2010
670 An Act to Implement Certain Defense Trade Cooperation Treaties, and for Other Purposes, 2010: ǂb 124 Stat. 2803 (Public Law 111-266, Oct. 8, 2010; Title II--Authority to Transfer Naval Vessels) citation title, 124 Stat. 2803 (Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2010)
- Comprehensive plus part title:
- Apply Record the title of the comprehensive law (which corresponds with the Public Law number) followed by the title of the embedded law (which corresponds with the lowest Title, Subtitle, Division, etc.)
4101 United States. ǂt Security Cooperation Act of 2010. ǂp Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2010
4101 United States. ǂt Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011. ǂp Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act
010 no2018090809
046 ǂk 2017-12-12 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Preservation Act of 2017
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 115-91. ǂn Title XII, Subtitle E
4101 United States. ǂt National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018. ǂp Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Preservation Act of 2017
670 An Act to Authorize Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2018 for Military Activities of the Department of Defense, for Military Construction, and for Defense Activities of the Department of Energy, to Prescribe Military Personnel Strengths for Such Fiscal Year, and for Other Purposes, 2017: ǂb 131 Stat. 1283 (Public Law 115-91) 131 Stat. 1671 (Subtitle E) citation title, 131 Stat. 1671 (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Preservation Act of 2017) 131 Stat. 2022 (approved December 12, 2017)
010 no2018090449
046 ǂk 2017-12-12 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 115-91. ǂn Division B, ǂp Military Construction Authorizations
4101 United States. ǂt National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018. ǂp Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
670 An Act to Authorize Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2018 for Military Activities of the Department of Defense, for Military Construction, and for Defense Activities of the Department of Energy, to Prescribe Military Personnel Strengths for Such Fiscal Year, and for Other Purposes, 2017: ǂb 131 Stat. 1283 (Public Law 115-91) 131 Stat. 1817 (Division B--Military Construction Authorizations) citation title, 131 Stat. 1817 (Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018) 131 Stat. 2022 (approved December 12, 2017)
010 no2004021342
1101 United States. ǂt Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 105-277. ǂn Division C, Title 1, Section 151, ǂp Federal Vacancies and Appointments
4101 United States. ǂt Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999. ǂp Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998
670 United States. An Act Making Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Appropriations … 1998: ǂb 112 Stat. 2681 (Public Law 105-277; Oct. 21, 1998) 112 Stat. 2681-611 (Sec. 151. Federal Vacancies and Appointments) citation title, 112 Stat. 2681-611 (Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998)
670 – Source Data Found
When cataloging a slip law and creating a Name Authority Record for that law, it is usually only necessary to include the one 670 for the resource cataloged. When not cataloging a slip law, it is usually helpful to consult and cite another source in addition to the resource cataloged. The instructions below refer to cataloging slip laws.
- Transcribe the title proper of the resource cataloged, which will be the 245 field in the bibliographic record. Reminder: this title is taken from the title page, cover, or caption (in that order) according to RDA
- Include enough of the title to provide a unique citation.
- Do not precede the title with “United States,” “Its,” or the name in the 1XX field of the bib record, unless the title by itself is not unique.
Title by itself is not unique:
670 United States. Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998, 1998:
- If the title proper is the formal title:
- Record the formal title in ǂa. Do not repeat it in ǂb.
- Alternative (available, but rarely followed at GPO): for long titles that are the title proper, record part of the formal title in ǂa followed by ellipses. Record the full formal title in ǂb. Include enough of the title proper in ǂa to provide a unique citation.
- Follow the title proper with the year of publication.
- Location: Use page numbers (Stat. numbers) in all cases, rather than caption, title page, or cover.
- Citing page numbers: Use the United States Statutes at Large designation found at the top of each page (e.g. 127 Stat. 51).
- Public Law number: Transcribe the Public Law number from any page.
- Citation title: Always transcribe the citation title in ǂb, even if it is also the title proper in ǂa.
- Follow instructions and examples in “Citation vs. Formal Title: Laws Containing Citation Titles”
- GPO Practice: if the citation title is on the same page as the formal title or other transcribed data, you may provide two separate locations, one for the Stat. number by itself, and one for the same number preceded by “citation title.”
670 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act of 2017, 2017: ǂb 131 Stat. 1258 (Public Law 115-79; An Act to Permanently Authorize the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Card Program) citation title, 131 Stat. 1258 (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act of 2017) 131 Stat. 1260 (approved November 2, 2017)
670 An Act to Amend Title 5, United States Code, to Designate Juneteenth National Independence Day as a Legal Public Holiday, 2021: ǂb 135 Stat. 287 (Public Law 117-17; An Act to Amend Title 5, United States Code, to Designate Juneteenth National Independence Day as a Legal Public Holiday; Approved June 17, 2021) citation title, 135 Stat. 287 (Juneteenth National Independence Day Act)
Explanation: This method allows GPO to exactly follow the instruction and example in DCM Z1: 670: Recording names and titles -- cite the citation title “preceded by the term ‘citation title’ and its exact location.” In addition, this convenient method allows the citation title to appear by itself in parentheses and should not generate objections due to the minor issue of the Stat. number being repeated.
- Formal title:
- Transcribe in ǂb if not transcribed in ǂa or if transcribed in part in ǂa (for lengthy titles).
- If transcribed in full in ǂa, do not repeat in ǂb.
- Date: Transcribe the date from either of the following locations:
- The “approved” statement on the final line (excluding the legislative history) of the last page of the slip law. Example: 132 Stat. 1555 (approved July 24, 2018)
- The top of any page
- Aside the formal title, above a line containing the Senate (S.) or House (H.R.) bill number
Examples of possible 670 fields within their records:
010 no2021054804
046 ǂk 2021-04-23 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Act to Amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with Respect to the Scope of New Chemical Exclusivity
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 117-9
670 An Act to Amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with Respect to the Scope of New Chemical Exclusivity, 2021: ǂb 135 Stat. 256 (Public Law 117-9, Apr. 23, 2021)
010 no2021054881
046 ǂk 2021-04-23 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research Act of 2021
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Act to Improve the Health and Safety of Americans Living with Food Allergies and Related Disorders, Including Potentially Life-Threatening Anaphylaxis, Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome, and Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases, and for Other Purposes
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 117-11
4101 United States. ǂt FASTER Act of 2021
670 An Act to Improve the Health and Safety of Americans Living with Food Allergies and Related Disorders, Including Potentially Life-Threatening Anaphylaxis, Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome, and Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases, and for Other Purposes, 2021: ǂb citation title, 135 Stat.262 (Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research Act of 2021 or the FASTER Act of 2021) 135 Stat. 263 (Public Law 117-11; Approved April 23, 2021)
010 no2019154680
046 ǂk 2019-01-24 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt Medicaid Extenders Act of 2019
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Act to Extend the Medicaid Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration, to Extend Protection for Medicaid Recipients of Home and Community-based Services against Spousal Impoverishment, and for Other Purposes
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 116-3
670 Medicaid Extenders Act of 2019, 2019: ǂb 133 Stat. 6 (Public Law 116-3, Jan. 24, 2019; An Act to Extend the Medicaid Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration, to Extend Protection for Medicaid Recipients of Home and Community-based Services against Spousal Impoverishment, and for Other Purposes) citation title, 133 Stat. 6 (Medicaid Extenders Act of 2019)
Example of a single page law:
010 no2019173497
046 ǂk 2019-11-07 ǂ2 edtf
1101 United States. ǂt National POW/MIA Flag Act
380 Statutes and codes ǂ2 lcgft
4101 United States. ǂt Act to Amend Title 36, United States Code, to Require that the POW/MIA Flag Be Displayed on All Days that the Flag of the United States is Displayed on Certain Federal Property
4101 United States. ǂt Public Law 116-67
670 An Act to Amend Title 36, United States Code, to Require that the POW/MIA Flag Be Displayed on All Days that the Flag of the United States is Displayed on Certain Federal Property, 2019: ǂb 133 Stat. 1128 (Public Law 116-67, Nov. 7, 2019) citation title, 133 Stat. 1128 (National POW/MIA Flag Act)